The Ultimate Suspicion

Episode 11 of Blind starts with Eun-Ki closing in on the killer, who ominously whistles as he grabs her. As for Sung-Joon, he finds the dolls on his brother’s desk and immediately realizes that Sung-Hoon was Number 11 from the Children’s Home. It’s a huge bombshell reveal, and something that immediately ties him to what’s been happening. Sung-Hoon also has a number of photos in his drawer too. Sung-Joon returns home and confronts his mother, who claims that both him and Sung-Hoon are her biological sons. Well, he throws that out the water by showing the picture of Sung-Hoon at the orphanage. It turns out they lied to Sung-Joon all along to keep both boys safe, pointing out that the world is prejudiced and they wouldn’t accept Sung-Hoon as an adopted son. The parents found out about Hope Welfare Center by chance and decided to adopt Sung-Hoon so he didn’t feel alone. Sung-Joon is crushed and points out that he thought he was he one who was adopted, not his brother. It completely changes the dynamic of the series and hats off to those theorists who predicted that correctly weeks ago! Sung-Joon learns from the police that Eun-Ki has been taken and works with the police to try and find him. They search through the CCTV cameras but unfortunately lose it in the middle of a rural area. It’s enough for Sung-Joon to go on and he drives out (alone I may add) to a secluded locale where he finds the car in question. He also finds Sung-Joon digging. “Where’s Eun-Ki?” He demands. Sung-Joon digs up the grave… but it turns out it’s not Eun-Ki. She’s still alive and absolutely fine. So what happened? Well, she was grabbed by Sung-Hoon who stopped her from being attacked by the real killer, who was hiding round the corner. Sung-Hoon saved her life and took her away. Sung-Hoon also points out that he can’t trust the police. And then it happens. Sung-Joon reveals that he knows everything, including how Sung-Hoon was Number 11 at Hope Welfare Center. Midway through talking, Sung-Hoon receives a message from the killer with pictures of Yu-Na, telling him that it’s all “because of you”. The trio race off and realize she’s in danger, determined to try and save her. Unfortunately, when they arrive back at the attic, they follow her ringing phone to a closet which holds her dead body inside. At Muyeong Police Station, Sung-Joon questions his brother who reiterates everything he knows. Apparently Sung-Hoon knows nothing about Number 12, but goes on to reveal how hopeless he entire ordeal was and how disgusting the treatment they received was. Kids would go hungry, eating barely enough to survive, while they were put to work all through the day at the incineration plant. Sung-Hoon also brings up how Tae-Ho betrayed them, which Sung-Hoon understands given he as beaten more than all of them. He gets everything down, bringing up all the horrible details of the orphanage. Of course, Yeom isn’t exactly pleased when he finds out. However, the most crucial bit of evidence here comes from Yu-Na. While she was locked in the closet, she left a bloody message for the others, writing out “Jo Eun” in the wall. What does this mean? Well, that’s a secret for another day, as the attention falls on Eun-Ki. She blames herself and Sung-Joon allows her to stay in his room for the time being. He’s also quick to tell her she needs to keep the door locked at all times to prevent anyone arriving. As for Producer Bae, Sung-Joon puts out a missing person report, but he’s definitely not been kidnapped. He keeps his identity a secret and stuffs something inside a locker. Unfortunately, someone bumps into him in the process and it knocks his hat off, revealing his identity. The camera there seems to pick it up. A further twist in the tale comes when Sung-Joon learns there was an advertising blimp flying about at the time of Man-Chun falling from the roof. Sung-Hoon obviously saw this but instead of handing the evidence to police, he took the footage and hid it, pretending not to know about it. But why would he do that? Is he in collusion with the killer? Or is the killer someone inside the actual police station? Sung-Joon continues to investigate and works to try and figure out what his brother may be hiding. While he’s out at a restaurant, he looks around his apartment but doesn’t seem to find anything untoward. When Sung-Hoon returns, Sung-Joon asks about Mr Baek’s case, wanting to know about the drone. Sung-Hoon points out it was an advertising blimp and he dropped off the footage for Captain Oh. This is in direct contradiction to what Sung-Joon already knows and it throws his brother back in the firing line of potential suspects. If that wasn’t enough, Sung-Joon finds clothes and shoes in Sung-Hoon’s car, ones that happen to have the same yellow line that Sung-Joon remembered seeing when he was drugged and knocked out. Sung-Joon realizes his brother is definitely a big part of this case and follows him. Watching from afar, Sung-Joon sees Sung-Hoon meet with the killer… who goes on to stab him in the gut and leave him bleeding out. Sung-Joon immediately heads out and tries to stop the bleeding, while the killer walks away.

The Episode Review

Blind has been a really gripping and well written thriller, and this episode exemplifies why. The big reveal involving Sung-Hoon not Sung-Joon as the one who was in the orphanage is a great way of changing the dynamic and contextualizing what we’ve seen thus far in a new light; hats off to all those who managed to theorize this earlier on forums! Meanwhile, the show manages to keep this investigation ticking over with a lot of intriguing and eye-opening reveals. The fact that Sung-Hoon is so integral to this plot seems to hint that he’s perhaps not the one who’s the actual killer. It would seem like he could be in collusion or even working to try and protect their identity, given the ties to Hope Welfare Center. Either way, that’s a big, dramatic cliffhanger to end on and it certainly opens things up for a dramatic episode to follow.