Meanwhile, Eloise is hung up over Whistledown’s latest letter, and doesn’t share Pen’s enthusiasm that things are changing. Eloise continues to chase who Whistledown is, noticing the paper and also the printing company too. So naturally, she heads off to track the place down. Noticing the insignia on the top of the door at the address, she knows she’s in the right place. Eloise belittles the worker outside – whom we later learn is called Theo Sharpe – and he eventually hands over a flyer for Women’s Rights and leaves. The new Lord Featherington has some rather dubious and questionable choices about the house too, including turning the morning room into his own personal gaming hell. Much like the Bridgerton’s, the attention here turns to the royal races. Everyone shows up, including Lady Danbury in a stunning red dress. Whilst there, Thomas Dorset escorts Kate but she’s not best pleased when Anthony shows up and persists in trying to get close to her sister. Eventually he ends up sitting next to Edwina, watching the race with her, much to Kate’s disdain. The races don’t go to plan (despite some of the attendees winning handsomely) as Kate tries her best to shield Edwina from Kate. Edwina eventually sees herself before Queen Charlotte who actually picked her to be a diamond for a very specific purpose. The Queen want to unmask who Lady Whistledown is and part of that comes from using Edwina, knowing the writer will want access to her. So naturally, the Queen is going to keep an eye on Edwina from here on out. After being rejected by Edwina again (showing up at her door with a horse and misunderstanding her earlier love for a novel), Anthony struggles to work out how to win over Edwina. There are plenty of other bachelors at Lady Danbury’s that night, each with their own different gimmicks and ways to try and woo Edwina. None seem to work though, as she strains a smile through all this. After meeting Penelope and commenting on her yellow dress, she catches up with Colin. Only, he throws her in the friend zone, pointing out hat a good friend she is. As the evening comes to a close, Anthony is a late arrival and decides to read a letter he’s written out for Edwina. These Aren’t his words though, and eventually he gives up pretending to be someone he’s not. Anthony speaks from the heart and tries to be himself, pointing out his vulnerabilities for all to see. He promises when it comes to duty and action, he’ll be there for Edwina – but can’t guarantee that he’ll love her the way she wants. While Kate wants to try and shield her sister, Edwina is taken with Anthony and the pair wind up talking. While they do, Kate takes off after a prolonged stare where she and Anthony catch one another’s gaze. Danbury tries to talk Kate around while Pen realizes she’s getting closer to being found out. Eloise has figured out the printing house and not only that, she’s also deciphered that the K on those letters is a giveaway. So naturally, Penelope decides to try and right that wrong but she’s spotted down at the market by Madame Delacroix. As the episode closes out, Queen Charlotte receives a list of names and pictures to boot for all those who have conversed with Edwina. And Penelope is one of those.

The Episode Review

So Bridgerton returns with another good episode, one that sees Anthony trying to win over Edwina while also blunting the sharp edges of Kate as she tries to shield her sister from him. This sets up a nice dynamic for the season where it seems destined that Kate and Anthony will end up together in the end. The drama involving Lady Whistledown is still intriguing and seeing Pen trying to evade prying eyes and keep herself hidden is a nice subplot that’s been explored well across this season so far. Hopefully that continues going forward. It’s not perfect, and the show does deliver its soapy drama with broad brushstrokes, but this is an entertaining all the same and there’s enough here to enjoy, even if the fireworks aren’t quite as strong as they were the first time around. At least not yet anyway!