Episode Guide

Massimo Bottura Dan Barber Francis Mallmann Niki Nakayama Ben Shewry Magnus Nilsson     Netflix’s innovative and stylishly presented cooking series Chef’s Table takes us into the minds and inspiration behind some of the best chefs in the world. Through a mixture of interviews, archival photos and a healthy dose of classical music, Netflix whips us up on a culinary journey through the world of rich cuisine and innovation. From Dan Barber’s home-grown food to the earth-cooking methods of Francis Mallmann, each episode looks in-depth at the life and motivation for each chef whilst keeping an elegant, artistic feel to each episode. The episodes themselves are set up, for the most part, in the same way. A brief intro precedes an in-depth look at each chef, showing us their background and how they broke into the culinary elite. Between interviews with the chefs themselves and their close family, Chef’s Table takes an unusual approach by introducing food critics into the mix. These work well to show the method behind the creativity, explaining to us how the food has been crafted and just why it’s as revolutionary and groundbreaking as it’s been made out to be. Chef’s Table is an impressively crafted show too with a real artistic flair running through each episode. Classical music fills the background with intimate violins, pianos and a smattering of recognisable orchestral pieces. Accompanying this is some slick camera work and use of slow-mo shots showing various cooking techniques and plating of each dish. This is accompanied by a plethora of close-up shots of each dish and a few bites of text that pay tribute to the name of said dish. These money shots help sell the elegance and sophistication at work here whilst acting as a proverbial cherry on the cake. In this day and age it’s difficult to find a unique slant on such an oversaturated topic, especially given how much is stuffed into this genre. Even Food Network, a channel dedicated to broadcasting nothing but food shows, can’t fit everything into a 24 hour time slot. What Netflix have managed to do here though is find a thin sliver of the pie that’s mostly remained untouched, delivering an interesting, educational and enthralling journey in the process.  

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