King Tide

We begin episode 5 of Coyote 12 months ago with Garrett joining the border guards. He’s briefed on upcoming illegals using the crossing, as Ben flaunts his racism and makes a joke about tonks. Afterward, Garrett heads out with Ben and learns that you can break the 4th amendment as a border guard. He also tells him not to look at his phone or break the rules as it could cause a Mexican to take advantage of him. And just like that, a Mexican man rushes across the shore, prompting Ben to head into the water and pull him out to safety. Eventually they manage to resuscitate him. As they sit together on the beach, Ben tells Garrett “There’s two kinds of people in this world. Those who choose to break the law and those that don’t.” So I’m guessing Ben is in the former then? Back in the present, Ben looks over the news and feels remorse over the two ICE agents he had a hand in killing. A dizzy Ben heads out and throws up on the ground, struggling to compose himself. Just as a gentle reminder, Ben didn’t have this reaction when he killed five Mexicans. Anyway, Juan Diego shows up at the caravan and walks with Ben down the shoreline. In fact, he blames Diego’s men for killing the two officers. Diego explains Dante’s actions and believes he can be rehabilitated. Ben is not so sure. Anyway, he warns Ben not to cross his brother and after an ominous story about lobsters, eventually leaves. Ben heads back to the caravan and begins working on the foundations for Javi’s house. Garrett shows up though and decides to hang out. As he mentions the ICE agents being killed, he eventually turns his attention to the dead Mexicans. However, Ben simply deflects and sits drinking with his old buddy. Garrett senses something is up and asks Ben outright if he’s in trouble. Eventually the conversation turns to his family – and Katie in particular – as Ben learns Garrett is sleeping with his daughter. Anyway, Diego’s brother shows up and introduces himself as Damasco. Together, they all begin drinking but it’s obvious there are hostilities between Garrett and Damasco. This hostility spills over to the night too, as Garrett is forced to drink. As he slowly slips into a drunken stupor, Ben and Damasco sit and drink too, quietly talking about the differences in Mexican and American culture. Eventually they’re interrupted by Garrett passing out. Heading outside, Damasco shoots up the foundations for Javi’s house and knocks it to the ground… again. It turns out he wants a boatload of guns he’s due and the delivery never came through. A delivery that Javi was responsible for bringing in. As he leaves, he tells Ben not to trust Diego and eventually drives off. Garrett awakens and tells Ben the truth. He was approached by Homeland Security and tells Ben he needs help. He drops off Holly’s business card and eventually leaves, back to America.

The Episode Review

With Damasco free, episode 5 reinforces Ben’s prejudiced views (he didn’t get that upset over the Mexicans he killed on the border) and the changing face of the Mexican cartel. With no Maria this time, who seems to have been reduced to a cliff note in this story, the attention instead turns to Ben and Garrett’s relationship. The drinking near the end was pretty tense to be fair but beyond that, there really aren’t many redeeming features with this show. Hopefully the finale can change that and deliver a show-stopping end to this otherwise disappointing series.