The Flatliners

With the finale up next, Crash Landing on You’s penultimate episode certainly delivers a dramatic and explosive chapter, setting the scene for what’s to come as this wonderful series takes its final bow. We’re left to wonder just what will happen to our protagonists after the shocking cliffhanger which will undoubtedly lead to even more emotional moments in tomorrow’s episode. Episode 15 of Crash Landing On You starts as Seung-jun reaches the roof of the building while being chased. Cheon takes a shotgun and points it at him while we return to Cho receiving instructions to get rid of Jeong-Hyeok. It’s here that the latter arrives and as he takes his gun out, they’re surrounded by the police aiming sniper rifles at him. As Cho takes his shot, Jeong moves out of the way which prompts the police to shoot Cho down. Before dying, he tells him he will not be able to go back home as he sent evidence showing what he has been doing with Se-Ri. If he goes back, his parents will be executed and if he stays he will get arrested and they will face the same fate. The police then storm the building as Jeong-Hyeok was contemplating killing himself. Meanwhile, Se-Ri is in hospital talking to Man-Bok and Kwang-Beom about Jeong’s whereabouts, while in the North Korean village Myeong-Sun begs the soldiers to leave her son with her friends. The other women rush to her aid and thanks to Young-Ae, find out that the soldiers are not from state security which saves their friends and her son. In Seoul, Sang-Ah speaks to her husband and reveals that they still have a chance as she knows Se-Ri has brought people from North Korea to her. Back in the hospital, security arrive to arrest the four soldiers and Man Bok. They take the latter away while Chi-Su, Ju-Meok and Eun-Dong hide. Chi-Su decides to sacrifices himself by creating a diversion as he’s the only one without a family. Only, it doesn’t work and they manage to get them all which prompts Se-Ri to remove her IV and go after them, insisting that they take her too. In the National Intelligence Service Building, the five men are searched and registered followed by a lie detector test which Pyo thought was a torture machine. He later meets with Eun-Dong in the canteen who tells them he was shown satellite pictures of his hometown and house. Pyo is still suspicious though and thinks they are playing mind games. Meanwhile, Jeong-Hyeok stays calm and silent in the interrogation room while his dad finds out he has been caught in South Korea. At the same time, Cheon tells Seung-Jun that they’re heading to China. After spending the night in a room, Cheon unties Seung-Jun and lets him escape. He later gets help from orphans and as one of the boys remind him of himself, he decides to give him money as a thank you. After the NIS agents view footage of Jeong-Hyeok doing good deeds, they interrogate him about his reasons for being in South Korea. He lies though and tells them he came to convince Se-Ri to go back to North Korea but that his subordinates had nothing to do with it. Chief Kim visits Se-Ri in hospital. She reveals the truth about why Jeong-Hyeok came and tells him she wants to send him home safely. All the soldiers refuse to testify so they decide to bring Se-Ri in for a face to face interview involving Jeong-Hyeok. However, he doesn’t seem happy as he reveals that he has been using her all along when he found out how important and how rich she is in South Korea. Seeing that she can’t convince him, Se-Ri leaves but ends up collapsing in the hallway. However, when Jeong-Hyeok finds out that she collapsed, he runs after her but he is too late as she is taken away by her mother. In hospital, we find out that Se-Ri has blood poisoning due to her wound and high level of stress. In North Korea, Seung-Jun arrives in the village and ask the women for some food. Dan finally manages to call him after trying to reach him all day and they meet in Jeong’s house. He tells her he has to leave now that the department of security has found him. He thanks her for everything she did before proceeding to offer up an engagement ring. After Dan leaves Seung at the airport, he gets a call from a mysterious man claiming to have Dan and to meet with him. In the NIS building, agent Kim finds out that the soldiers have been using Se-Ri’s credit card but is surprised to see that they only spent money on trivial things like video games and karaoke. Back in the hospital, Se-Ri takes a turn for the worst. Jeong-Hyeok is allowed to leave as we see him rush to her bedside while Seung-Jun scrambles to save Dan. He enters a factory and kills all the guards but unfortunately gets shot in the process. Dan runs toward him crying while Seung-Jun thinks to himself that he’s sad and happy that Dan will be the one beside him when he’s dying. The episode ends with both Seung-Jun and Se-Ri seemingly dying as we hear the flat-line sound of their machine. In the epilogue, the agents talk about their analyses of Jeong’s gestures towards Se-Ri and come to the conclusion that he’s in love with her. What a cliffhanger! Are the show creators of Crash Landing bold enough to kill off their main character? Especially with this being the penultimate episode, this twist has left me unsure and worried that there’s a possibility this could be the case. Regardless of what will happen, this was a very tense and emotional moment as both Dan and Jeong-Hyeok watch helplessly as their loves are dying. Dan and Seung-Jun had quite the journey and I do hope he recovers too as they both deserve some happiness. The show has really managed to keep us guessing right up until the end and this episode is no exception. While I’m not ready for the show to end and to say goodbye to all our characters ( especially our favourite four soldiers), I’m excited to see how it will all unfold and wondering what sort of ending we’ll receive. Tissues at the ready guys – the finale to Crash Landing is sure to be an emotional and heartbreaking affair!  

Crash Landing on You   Episode 15 Recap and Review   The Review Geek - 1