The Final Countdown

With only 4 episodes to go and 30 days until the Presidential Elections in the show, I can’t help but feel Designated Survivor will struggle to wrap up its story in a satisfying manner without some serious time jumps coming into play. The alternative of course, is that 60 Days leaves things hanging on a cliffhanger for a second season. Either way, right now it’s difficult to see how this Korean drama will wrap up in a satisfying manner with only 4 episodes to go. We begin this week’s episode with Park deciding to stand as an Independent candidate with Cha by his side. Meanwhile Na visits Han-Mo in prison who tells her that as long as Jae-Min is safe, he’ll tell her everything he knows. Unfortunately, that’s easier said than done as it turns out Jae-Min has been kidnapped by the not-dead Tae-Ik. Unbeknownst to him though, Jae-Min’s allergies come into play as he starts choking on food, writhing on the floor clutching his neck. Tae-Ik brings him to hospital where he learns the truth before hurrying out with Jae-Min, narrowly missing Na who is in hot pursuit of the child. Thankfully, as he speeds away in his car, we learn Tae-Ik has left Jae-Min outside who’s then reunited with his Mother. With cameras blinking all around him, Park awkwardly attends a movie opening; the perfect opportunity to score some points in the upcoming elections. However, he’s upstaged by the Director who announces her homosexuality midway through his speech. Park aims to capitalize on this by introducing the Discrimination Act, the bill that every administration has avoided like the plague. Oh figures it’s an agenda-driven move, with the Director in collusion with Park and spinning the entire event as a PR move, which the media cling to and run the story on. This causes shock-waves as religious groups get involved and immediately call for Park’s resignation. Meanwhile, General Eun is interviewed over the file but he denies knowledge, prompting Park and Na to go back to the drawing board with Oh in their sights as the main accomplice. However, they’re going to need evidence to prove as much. While they deliberate, Na looks into Tae-Ik’s origin and learns he may not be Korean after all. That would explain why they’re unable to find him on the database. The day of the poll results arrive and everyone deliberates nervously over what they’ll say. Tensions do inevitably boil over though as Cha and Oh argue about politics, leading to them taking it outside…where they settle the score on the basketball court. As it happens, General Eun is aware of what’s happening and strikes a deal with Oh to tackle the Presidency together. Na and Han-Mo have bugged the General’s phone and listen to the entire conversation as they discuss the bombing and a mysterious man named the VIP. Whoever this is allegedly has the information they need regarding Oh’s involvement in the bombing. Meanwhile at the Blue House, with Cha’s words for every vote counting ringing in his ears, Park deliberates over what to do regarding the bill. As the movie Director pays him a visit and thanks him for his courage, Park decides to call a cabinet meeting with the agenda being the Discrimination Act. Once again Designated Survivor: 60 Days delivers a well written slice of politically charged drama. While the pace is a little slow at times and some of the plot threads take a while to develop, there’s enough here to make for an entertaining watch nonetheless. Quite what tomorrow’s episode will bring remains to be seen but let’s hope we get some information about the VIP sooner rather than later.