Five Seconds

Episode 2 of Elite Season 4 begins with our contrasting view of Benjamin’s dysfunctional family. While Patrick and Ari play their parts at an upcoming royal function, Mencia is the wildchild, sleeping with numerous men for money after Benjamin has her assets frozen. At school, more changes are afoot when CCTV cameras are placed around the hallways. Even worse, the higher-ups are weeding out any troublemakers from school, with Benjamin handing out forms – including a section about criminal records. Of course, Rebe is immediately rattled by this. And it’s made worse when Benjamin walks in on Mencia kissing her in the changing rooms. Mencia’s wild antics don’t go unnoticed though, especially that evening when she’s warned by Rebe’s Mother, Sandra, to be careful. Guzman and Ari patch up their differences in the midst of this, with everything aired out. However, friction is definitely growing when Nadia pushes back their videocall by an hour. Rebe and Samuel try to patch up their differences too, although that’s easier said than done. Given the history the pair have together, it was never going to be a simple process. Ander meanwhile, reveals everything that happened at the bar to Omar. Off the back of this they contemplate whether to get Patrick involved with them as a threesome. If we’ve seen anything from this show, these threesomes never, ever lead to bad vibes… New student Phillipe arriving causes more drama to ensue. Special circumstances are made for him, given his royal stature, prompting a mass-walkout from class. Cayetana meets Phillipe in the hallway just prior to this, but Ari jumps in and causes issues. She warns Cayetana that liking him is like a donkey trying to eat honey. Wow, charming. Anyway, this only fuels Cayetana’s desire further. That evening, Ari is invited in to a party where she’s encouraged to drink and let her guard down. All of our main characters are here, with all the guys topless and drinks flowing. Eventually Ari gets drinking but immediately finds herself in Guzman’s presence… when he takes a call from Nadia. Elsewhere, Omar and Ander’s suggestion for a threesome goes down a treat with Patrick. While they get hot and heavy, Ari jumps in to dance with Samuel. She’s drunk but Samuel isn’t, prompting the pair to make love in the bedroom. At the same time, Phillipe dances with Cayetana. Only, dancing soon becomes soo much more as they start kissing. This party is taken back to Phillipe’s place though, where it’s revealed he’s actually filming their interactions in secret. In the midst of all this is Guzman, who heads outside and speaks to Nadia, deciding they should break up. Well, so much for that short story depicting otherwise. Anyway, in the midst of all this we cut forward in time and see glimpses of Ari after her outing in the pool. She survives her drowning but her heart monitor skips out and she goes into cardiac arrest. Someone is trying to kill her.

The Episode Review

Who is trying to kill Ari? And why? There’s lots of possible candidates now and it’s shaping up to be quite the intriguing mystery. It’s just a pity that Ari’s stuck-up character isn’t exactly easy to warm to. Phillipe is obviously not as charming as he seems to be, especially with that scene depicting the hidden camera right a the end of the episode. Meanwhile, Guzman’s angst toward his romantic life – and growing affection for Ari – looks like we’ll be getting a new romance for him in the near-future. And set up a love triangle with Samuel too. Elsewhere, the show continues to deepen thee various relationships with Patrick getting stuck into Ander and Omar. We’ve seen threesomes before in this show and season 4 is no exception, although this doesn’t look like it’s going to end well. For now though, the ending bows things out with an intriguing sign of things to come, despite the show slipping into formulaic, soapy water for now.