Moving The Pieces

Episode 11 of Eve starts with So-Ra reeling over Yoon-Kyum asking for a divorce. As the pair sit together, So-Ra blasts Yoon-Kyum for being unfaithful and the consequences of his actions. It’s no good though and he eventually packs his things to leave. Worried that he could go for Da-Bi next, So-Ra rings Secretary Kim and tells him to keep an eye on her daughter. Meanwhile, Eun-Pyeong learns that Moon-Hee has come forward, determined to oust Chairman Han and his cronies for what he’s done and wanting them to be arrested. However, Moon-hee comes unstuck when she tries to enter the security room, given Ra-El has changed the passcode. When Moon-hee rings her, Ra-El points out that he’s betrayed her trust and they both have a stake in this room. As for Ra-El, she happens to be at the kindergarten and now has control of Yoon-Kyum’s security, who follow her rules rather than So-Ra’s. “You’ll never be part of the elites, you b*tch.” She rasps, as Ra-El shrugs it off, smiling coldly before leaving. When she returns to Moon-Hee, Ra-El allows her to move forward with her lawsuit but tells her not to expose this to the press. She also wants her proxy sent to the court. Ra-El is so determined to follow through with this revenge that she’s even prepared to give her the original Gedik’s contract and turn over Yoon-Kyum’s secret safe. However, if Moon-Hee reveals Ra-El’s true identity to anyone else in the wake of all this, everyone is going to go down. Eun-Pyeong brings Jeong-Cheol into his office where he shows him records of slush funds being used alongside the Zeus Project. He’s also quick to point out that Ra-El is like family to him. A family that’s currently made up of Yoon-Kyum, Da-Bi and Ra-El. When the kindergarten teacher learns they’re all living together, she lets So-Ra know, who immediately has her guards follow them. When Jeon-Cheol and Han learn about Yoon-Kyum and Ra-El’s living arrangements, he immediately heads out with his sledgehammer. When they show up at the house, police arrive soon after and everything spills over into big drama. Specifically, Moon-Hee leaks her story and the scandals involving LY Group are big news all over the press. Han gathers the troops – including Eun-Pyeong- and demands they file a countersuit to hit Yoon-Kyum where it hurts. Of course, Ra-El has her recorder and hears all of this. In the midst of the drama, So-Ra uses Secretary Cha to kidnap Ra-El without alerting anyone. At the same time, she also hands over a cheque for his mother’s surgery. Before any of that occurs though, Yoon-Kyum brings Ra-El to a church and, with candles all up the aisle, tells Ra-El that he loves her and gives her a ring. Ra-El finds herself conflicted, unsure exactly how she feels or what she should do in this situation. Eventually she tells Yoon-Kyum that she loves him too. However, she passes out soon after, realizing that she’s stepped over the line and isn’t sure she can follow through with her mission after all.

The Episode Review

Eve bows out this week with another lacklustre episode, one that confirms that So-Ra is really the lifeblood of this series, not Ra-El. With the maniacal wife only given a limited role this week, we see a lot more board meetings and political gambles instead of the revenge that Ra-El is supposed to be conducting. It not only slows the pacing down, but it also makes for a rather indifferent watch – there’s just not a lot going on in this week’s episode. There were a few odd inclusions too, like the accordion scene, but mostly the show has struggled to keep the same level of intensity it had earlier in the show’s run which is a bit of a shame. Hopefully tomorrow’s episode can improve and pick up.