King of Anything  Episode 8 of Fakes starts with the confrontation between Sally and Becca. Zoe is trying to calm everyone down, as Sally says she would never sell the girls out. The police arrive to talk to Sally and later Zoe and Becca go back to their office. At the office, Zoe is unhappy with how Becca handled Sally’s situation and they end up fighting. Becca is angry that Zoe is acting self-righteous as if she is being bulldozed to make fake IDs. Zoe tells her that she is just riling from a visit from her “shitty” mom. Sophie is keeping the orders coming in and is concerned about why the people making the fakes are unusually slow. She is thinking of quitting if the orders keep getting a slow turnaround. Zoe tries her best to talk her out of it, and assures her the next order of 250 IDs will be ready in two days. She goes back to the office and finds Tryst, who is fixing the new printer. The printer is more efficient and is 6 times faster. Tryst is worried if Sally is making her quota and why Becca is not at the office but Zoe just lies that everything is okay. The next day, at school, Clem is discussing the fate of Sally with Becca and Zoe. He is surprised that Sally has been arrested for selling fake IDs after her friends from her old school sold her out. Becca acts like she doesn’t even know who Sally is. Zoe also pretends she didn’t know Sally was selling fake IDs. The girls are still having a fight and are not talking to each other but they are forced to talk about Sophie’s big order. Since they both don’t want to lose Sophie they will have to work together to finish her order. Later, after school, Clem invites Zoe to have coffee and he is curious about why the girls are fighting. Unfortunately, Becca is unable to make it to the office to help Zoe. This leaves Zoe to do it on her own. She goes home to find her brother and her mom. Her brother is planning to take her car and drop their mom to work. Zoe is not on board with this plan and wants their mom to see that her brother is turning into an alcoholic. Later, she meets Sophie and hands over the fake IDs, Sophie is impressed that the order was delivered on time and chooses to stay. She goes home and gets a surprise visit from Clem who informs her that he has broken up with Becca. They end up sleeping together. Their cuddling moment is interrupted by Sally who shows up and yells something about the police and the episode ends.

The Episode Review

This episode is based on Zoe’s point of view. Understandably, the girls would disagree on a few things but their fallout was bigger than expected. They are both under immense stress at home and that seems to have taken a toll on them in different ways.  I thought there would be a chance for them to make up and work amicably together but after Clem and Zoe’s hook-up, I doubt it. I am surprised that Tryst has not noticed the strife between the girls, and I’m curious to see what happened with the police after Sally was taken into custody and why she showed up at Zoe’s place in the middle of the night.