The Big Fight

Episode 3 of Family Secrets reveals that Malgosia actually made it to the church but fainted and they are trying to wake her up at the beginning of this chapter. This triggers Robert, who remembers losing his parents in an accident 9 months before. It was during his stay at the hospital while recovering from the accident that he first saw Alicja.   She is at the hospital looking after Szymon, her fiancé and the father of her unborn child. Unfortunately, he does not make it and she suffers a miscarriage. They ran into each other again twice before he was able to ask her out on a date and they hit it off. Pawel and Kaśka are doing well in their relationship and school. They are excited about choosing their specialty and what the future has to offer. They are even having talks of moving in together. That is until Kaśka walks in on Pawel and Dorota kissing in the classroom. At present time, Malgosia has gained consciousness and the wedding is about to start. The tension between the parents is palpable and Dorota leaves the church just as the ceremony is about to begin. Emil follows her out and tries to calm her down.  In another flashback, after Emil learns of her affair with Pawel and claims he will handle the situation, Dorota attempts suicide by slashing her arm in the bathroom and is rescued by Emil. He apologizes to her and promises to fix their issues. Meanwhile, Kaśka is trying to figure out why Pawel is MIA. She goes to meet Emil at his clinic and asks him to ask his wife what happened to Pawel. Janeczek sees them talking and thinks that Kaśka is one of his dad’s mistresses.  It looks like things at the wedding are about to get even more out of hand when Kaśka’s grandmother shows up uninvited. Malgosia is not happy about seeing her mom and is even more displeased after learning that it was Alicja who told her about the wedding.  The grandmother is against marriage as she thinks being pregnant is not enough reason to get married. However, she doesn’t disrupt the wedding. Nonetheless, the priest continues with the ceremony but Janeczek stops midway through his vows. The arrival of another male guest seems to have thrown him off and he asks to know the identity of the baby’s father. He walks over to the guest and punches him before grabbing him in a chokehold and dragging him out of the church.

The Episode Review

Well if you thought the wedding had any chance of going smoothly after Malgosia’s arrival, jokes on you. The episode did not give much and the storyline was a bit stalled but it delivered on the comedy. The tension between the two mothers makes for entertaining drama and it is interesting to see Janeczek finally snap.  Just like in the previous episodes, viewers are given a new perspective on a character. The main question in this episode is what happened to Pawel?   This episode felt like trying to complete a puzzle with a few pieces missing. It is frustratingly good and viewers can’t help but be invested in uncovering the secrets these characters are hiding.