Nobody Knows The Trouble I’ve Seen

Episode 7 of Five Days at Memorial starts 33 days after Hurricane Katrina smashed through New Orleans. Having gained their warrant, Butcher and Virginia show up at Memorial Hospital. The security are forced out the building and told to stay out until they’ve finished their work. On the ground floor, there’s an abundance of food and bottled water in the storage cupboards. Heading into the pharmacy, Virginia finds three prescriptions for morphine, all signed by Anna. Not only that, but on the seventh floor the plastic bag the pharmacist mentioned is there – and it appears to back-up the story of Anna intentionally harming these patients. At the coroner’s, Frank (the coroner) confirms to Butcher and Virginia that they’re unlikely to learn much with the bodies. They’ve decomposed a lot thanks to the heat and it’s doubtful they’ll learn much. The duo are encouraged to speak to Bryant King instead. Dr King brings up the number of deaths and how it doesn’t add up to what happened inside the hospital. He has a pretty damning assessment of Anna, and even makes his thoughts felt on TV afterwards too. The media storm starts to swirl, and as a result of this heat, Anna is told not to do surgery anymore. Even worse, people in the community begin to talk about her. The toxicology report comes back for the bodies but interestingly, it confirms the same combination of drugs that Anna injected into those poor patients. In order to prosecute Anna, Virginia and Butcher are going to have to work with this. The defence will argue that the bodies are in a poor state so the only solution, according to Butcher, is to get more eyes on this. After working with the pharmacist, things take an awkward turn when Anna shows up with her lawyer at Memorial Hospital. It looks like we’re gearing up for a big court trial, especially as everything points toward Anna killing those patients. A nurse from Lifecare confirms what Anna has done too, having been an eyewitness to Anna injecting patients. She agrees to testify in court. Following this shocking confession, Butcher gets the greenlight from the Attorney General to arrest Anna. Virginia shows up at her apartment and after allowing her to change, takes her outside.

The Episode Review

The penultimate episode to Five Days at Memorial switches things up and focuses intently on Anna Pou and her part to play in injecting those patients. Although she wasn’t the only one discussing this, her deciding to take the fall and taking responsibility for what happened is telling and unfortunately it looks like it’s going to blow up in her face. This series has been a really interesting and well written deep-dive into the woes of memorial hospital and what happened to those 45 dead patients. With more than enough evidence to incriminate Anna, it would appear that this final episode is going to be a reckoning for this doctor but we’ll have to wait and see. Although these later episodes haven’t quite had the same urgency and tension as those earlier chapters had, there’s enough here to like all the same. This has been a decent watch and everything is now geared up for a very dramatic finale to follow.