Andy Josiah

Episode 10 of For Life Season 2 begins with Aaron Wallace in the fight of his career, determined to try and win his case and honour Andy Josiah’s life. Before that though, we receive a montage of the different Bellmore inmates giving character witnesses and promising to have Wallace’s back. Things are tough, especially given what happened to their house, as Wallace visits Jamal and declines his “help.” Anyway, the court case begins and everything is live streamed online. The Jury watch from home while Wallace begins with his opening statement. He gives an impassioned narrative, with timestamps following this awful incident. He even has a video of Andy and Marcel together cooking and having a good time. Officer Phillip Matranga takes the stand next and admits that Diaz told him to change the report following what happened in the parking lot. They even bring up the video footage too. Unfortunately Veronica Marshall hits back, bringing up the incident involving Sofiya telling the convenience store owner to leave. This single action completely throws out the video footage they have of the parking lot. Without the video, the prosecution have a massive mountain to climb. This is made worse when Marshall brings up the fact that Matranga said nothing in the wake of this violence – and that he has been granted immunity. After a hard day at court, the group contemplate what to do next. Henry suggests they leak the video to the press, prompting Aaron to walk away. Only, things take a seriously dramatic turn when a random guy with a gun shows up in the hallway. Gritting his teeth, he claims blue lives matter and shoots Henry, who blocks the bullet intended for Wallace. On the back of this, it seems like the case may be postponed. However, Mrs. Josiah speaks to her Father and convinces him to put Marcel up on the stand instead. Eventually they succumb and allow Marcel to testify. We don’t see this take place though, as we cut forward to Wallace at his house talking to Williams. He admits that he’s an inspiration to his son and after this trial is going to suggest Wallace be taken off probation. With a new plan in place, Marco Diaz takes to the stand next as Sofiya dances around the footage to show Diaz inside talking to the cashier. Given he receives a USB stick, the officer decides to plead the fifth. It turns out Diaz was attacked outside his house earlier in the day too, and this is partly why he’s so spooked. This seems to be Jamal’s doing, although Diaz claims the ones who jumped him had a Russian accent. Anyway, the court case is wrapped up with closing statements from both Marshall and Wallace. Marshall’s is emotional and impassioned while Wallace’s is more direct, mentioning the video footage and how laws need to change for fairness and equality. After six days of debating, the jury come to a verdict. They all show up in the court room as the police officer is found guilty for criminally negligent homicide. It’s a lesser charge, prompting Elaine to step up and give her own impassioned speech; a letter from Andy to Marcel when he was first born. On the back of this, the Judge makes her decision and decides to put Diaz away for 4 years in prison. With the case wrapped up and things looking more positive, Wallace visits Henry in hospital and thanks him for what he did. After, he rings Jamal and tells him to stay out his business from now on. Wallace promises to be there for him on Monday and will now do his best to fight and get Jamal out. When he gets off the phone, Jamal rings Cassius who reminds him they have unfinished business.

The Episode Review

With a big reveal at the end with Cassius returning, the door is left wide open for a possible third season. In doing so, this could shift the focus back to the prison system and trying to bust Jamal out. In the meantime though, this second season bows out with a pretty decent and dramatic ending. The court case is certainly satisfying and although it may not be the best outcome for all involved, the fact that the officer was incriminated and put away at all is testament to the baby step changes inside the court room. This second season has definitely not been as strong as the first though, partly thanks to the tension the prison brought to things. Without that, the early season tension with the probation officer completely fell away in favour of a COVID-compliant show that loses some of the urgency a tighter script the first time around allowed. Still, the ending certainly hints that a season 3 could be on the horizon but whether ABC green-light this one or not remains to be seen.