Episode Guide

How to Get Started How to Let Go How to Fall in Love with Life How to Deal with Stress How to be Kind How to Deal with Pain How to Deal with Anger How to Achieve Your Limitless Potential     In a recent study, 74% of Americans said they were going to make a New Years Resolution or were determined to try something new in 2021. Given the tough year many people have had, this seems like a perfect time for Headspace: Guide To Meditation to release. There’s a reason the streets are always busiest with runners the first week of January; why the healthy food section is always empty in shops; and why the gyms (were) chock full of people ready for a “New Year, new me” body. There’s something invigorating about the thought of starting again and perhaps this year, more than any other year, that’s certainly the case for a lot of people. Sticking to those resolutions however, is another matter entirely. Well, before the New Year blues and apathy wash over you, now’s as good a time as any to jump into this 8-part Netflix series designed to train your mind and teach inner-peace. It’s also a show that’s designed to be watched once a day and not binged. Although the series doesn’t explicitly tell you this, as someone who’s dabbled in meditation in the past, this works wonders to settle your mind down but only if it’s a constant in your life. In fact, all you really need are 10 minutes of your day to practice what’s on offer here. Each episode is broken up into animated 20 minute segments. Narrated by Andy Puddicombe, Headspace begins with an introduction to our spiritual guide and teacher. Having packed in his degree and journeyed across to live with Buddhist monks, Andy is well-positioned to encourage and teach you how to channel inner peace, let go of stress and be kind to others. Research suggests that 8 weeks of constant meditation can make physical changes to your brain. Like exercise, the parts responsible for anxiety and stress can decrease while mindfulness and happiness rise – so it’s definitely worth sticking this out for the long run. The episodes themselves are essentially split into two parts, with the first introducing a new meditative technique and a bit of background around Andy’s life before dedicating a good 10 minute section to practicing the techniques on offer. The final episode then collects everything we’ve learned over the past 7 episodes to tap into that inner peace you’ve been working on and begin making noticeable changes in our life. Much like Marie Kondo’s Tidying Up last New Year’s Day, Headspace: Guide To Meditation does a wonderful job bringing meaningful, useful and practical skills that can make a real difference to your life. And it also doesn’t cost anything! Whether you stick to your resolution in 2021 or not, Headspace is a great tool to use and an excellent starting point to meditation.

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