Volunteer Work

Episode 8 of Hello, Me! begins with Ha-Ni speaking to Ji-Eun and confirming that she’s going to enter the contest after all. The whole team are shocked but she promises to do her best. If she can win this, Ha-Ni wants to be acknowledged as part of the team – something Ji-Eun smiles and agrees to. Meanwhile, Yu-Hyeon enters the same contest with the two chefs from the kitchen. They decide on a team name of Hanwoo Galbi. With both of our protagonists celebrating big wins, Ha-Ni and Yu-Hyeon head out for dinner together. There, Ha-Ni asks outright whether Yu-Hyeon would like to team up for this project. Thinking the alternative is for Anthony to get involved and cozy up to Ha-Ni, he quickly disbands Hanwoo Galbi and agrees to her terms. On the way home though, Yu-Hyeon asks about her relationship with Anthony and questions the kiss they shared. She claims it’s the worst memory she has, and explains she fell and landed on his lips. Yu-Hyeon is happy to hear this and eventually shakes her hand goodbye. Upstairs, Scarlett questions Ha-Ni over her night with Yu-Hyeon and believes she’s dating him. At the same time, Ha-Young checks Seong-U’s room and notices the sketches of Scarlett and immediately gasps. Anthony receives a package from Ha-Ni including all the pictures of the two together, cut up into bits. Park Jung-Man and Kyung-Sik both see this as a big win, but hilariously work to put these pictures back together to see what the finished product looks like. Midway through talking though, Anthony’s name begins trending. It turns out his social media post doesn’t have a single word spelled correctly, which spells (no pun intended) big trouble for him. With hateful comments online, Anthony tasks Jung-Man with collecting up all the names of the haters so he can confront them together. In the morning, HaNi and Scarlett head out together and have a good time; Ha-Ni even buys Scarlett a cell phone. On the way back home though, Scareltt notices So-Hye being bullied and immediately rushes over to help. She calls herself the Goddess of Hosu High as Ha-Ni jumps in to help too. After kicking her fried chicken, Ha-Ni and Scarlett are beaten down by these bullies, leading to a big fight between the two groups. In fact, So-Hye fights back and managed to single-handedly take them out. At the police station, Jung-Do shows up where we learn he’s actually So-Hye’s Father! This leads to the group heading out for food, where he thanks Ha-Ni for helping his girl. At home, Ha-Ni receives a call, which brings her out to a shelter for homeless dogs. It turns out she’s been invited along with a whole crowd of people – including Yu-Hyeon who’s there because he badmouthed Anthony online. Anthony eventually confronts them all and claims he’s doing this to help them and improve their – and his – image. Ji-Sook continues to keep tabs on Yu-Hyeon though, with her subordinates confirming that he’s out doing volunteer work. While there, Jung-Man takes an interest in Scarlett, especially the way she manages to keep Anthony in check, and hands over his business card. After the volunteer work, and how hard they all worked, Anthony takes them out for dinner… but a cheap place of course. They all begin chanting his name while Ha-Ni heads outside to check on Yu-Hyeon. Unfortunately he still smells after being given grim jobs to do at the shelter. Well, Anthony’s lactose intolerance comes back to haunt him, as Anthony is forced to use the toilet. In fact, the owner points out Anthony as the one who clogged it up and everyone starts tweeting. Ha-Ni takes the fall for him though and tries to keep his public image in check, knowing that he could have had his image tarnished. As they talk about lactose intolerance, Ha-Ni has a big idea for the upcoming contest, and decides to use this going forward. Back home, Ji-Sook catches Ji-Eun eating chicken in her room and immediately confronts her about it. After calling her a disappointment, she storms out the room as Ji-Eun starts to get stomach cramps. Meanwhile, Hong-Nyeon’s dementia continues to be a big talking point for the family, as she’s quizzed over who everyone is. Back at the dinner, Anthony and the others all head home. On the way though, Anthony lavishes praise on Ha-Ni but Yu-Hyeon interjects. Specifically, he mentions the second hand shop and how he called Ha-Ni lousy before. After the girls are dropped off, Yu-Hyeon and Anthony both come to blows outside the house. In fact, there’s an absolutely hilarious scene that ensues, with the pair eventually fighting over what to do and heading up for a cup of coffee. Just before going inside though, Anthony asks Yu-Hyeon if he likes Ha-Ni. Yu-Hyeon says yes, as the pair eventually come to a stand-off. Let the love triangle begin!

The Episode Review

Hello Me may not be in a hurry to send Scarlett back in time but it does deliver some very good comedy this time around. Unlike yesterday’s detour with the strawberries, this episode features some beautiful bits of comedy. It’s not quite at the same comedic level as something like True Beauty but there’s some good moments here nonetheless. Specifically, the fight with the high school girls is a definite stand-out. That’s to say nothing of the ending scenes with the car and the coffee, which worked really well. The entire scene was comedy gold! The ending certainly hints that we’ve got a love triangle coming up too, which should help spice things up. Although there’s nothing particularly outstanding with this drama, it is well written for the most part. Roll on next week!