Protecting The Birth Mother

Episode 30 of Homemade Love Story starts where we left off as Pil-Hong pushes Na-Ro away from Chae-Woon. Jae-Hee arrives too and asks everyone what has been happening. Na-Ro tries to defend himself but Pil-Hong acts innocently and explains that he thought Chae-Woon was in trouble. Jae-Hee confronts Na-Ro too but he tries to deflect the accusations to Pil-Hong. After Na-Ro leaves, the trio sits down for some drinks and discuss what just happened with Na-Ro. They tell him he is not really their friend so Pil-Hong promises to come running if she ever is in trouble again. He also lies that he was in the area for a job interview. After noticing that Chae-Woon’s teddy is broken, he offers to sew it. Chae-Woon is surprised by his skills and mentions that her father made it for her. Meanwhile, Min-Jae and Jung-Hoo sit down together on a bench. They start arguing and Jung-Hoo tells her not to worry about him anymore and to concentrate on her life instead. Min-Jae heads to see Soon-Jung next and tells her about Jung-Hoo’s behaviour around her. While Soon-Jung steps out of the room, Min-Jae notices Jung-Hoo’s dictionary from the past and decides to take it away. Chae-Woon and Jae-Hee end the evening together and talk about Seo-A and her latest demand, wanting Na-Ro to be her assistant. Jae-Hee then walks Chae-Woon home but, unbeknownst to them, someone is taking pictures of the two of them together. Na-Ro calls Pil-Hong to tell him he made a mistake showing up by accident as they are going to wonder what he was doing there while Min-Jae regrets taking the dictionary and despairs as she doesn’t know what she is going to do. Hae-Deun arrives in Hwak-Se’s restaurant with Jun-A to tell them about her new job and is surprised to see James working there again. Jun-A and Jung-Hoo quickly recognize each other and everyone realizes how they are all connected. Jun-A is surprised that Hae-Deun is Chae-Woon’s sister and Hwak-Se quickly realizes that James has got his memory back. Jun-A takes Jung-Hoo aside and explains that he is back from London but hasn’t told his mother yet as he is embarrassed for not achieving anything. Jung-Hoo tells him it doesn’t matter as he is sure his Mum would be happy to see him. Man-Jung walks by the restaurant as Jung-Hoo insists that she comes in for some food. She starts drinking a lot, clearly unhappy, and when Hwak-Se starts acting concerned, she quickly pushes him away. Seeing how sad Hwak-See looks, Jung-Hoo invites him home for a bite to eat. Hae-Deun and Ra-Hoon have to take Jun-A to the villa as he is too drunk to even walk. When Hwak-Se sees how big Jung-Hoo’s house is, he feels overwhelmed and immediately apologizes for making him deliver food. Jung-Hoo insists that he shouldn’t feel bad and asks not to treat him any differently. The two men then sit down to eat and talk about Hwak-Se’s situation. The latter explains that he doesn’t think he deserves to be with Man-Jung considering their difference in jobs. Jung-Hoo tells him that the most important thing is that she likes him back. Hwak-Se is not sure though as he’s worried about what Soon-Jung would say. Jung-Hoo reassures him as he knows that she is not the type to judge. Jae-Hee returns to the villa and is surprised to find a drunk Jun-A in his bed. He learns from Hae-Deun and Ra-Hoon what has been happening before calling Chae-Woon to relay it all to her. She then tells him that Ms Kim wants to have her mum and siblings over for dinner. In the morning, Jung-Hoo is happy to see Hwak-Se cooking breakfast. The latter tells him he filled his fridge and offers to teach him to cook while Ms Kim invites Sung-Joo for dinner with her children. She later comes to pick them up with Chae-Woon while Na-Ro sends the pictures he took of Chae-Woon. Jae-Hee arrives to see his father, intending on inviting him for dinner. Jung-Hoo is still quite cold around his son though but Jae-Hee realizes he is wearing his James shirt and teases him about it. Jung-Hoo then receives a picture showing Chae-Woon and Jae-Hee walking to Ms Kim’s house. It says that Ms Kim has another daughter and it has been sent to some directors who are now heading to Ms Kim’s house. As everyone arrives at her house, they sit down for some tea. Seo-A acts very nice towards them, which obviously is an act. They are then quickly interrupted by Seo-A’s uncle who is there to ask what is happening after receiving a picture of Chae-Woon. Just as Ms Kim is about to tell the truth, Chae-Woon comes out and lies that she has been staying there for personal reasons but that she’s not Ms Kim’s biological daughter. Chae-Woon apologizes for being an inconvenience and steps out. Jae-Hee arrives soon after and she relays what has been happening. She tells him her mum and siblings must have heard everything as they have been hiding.

The Episode Review

Things are not looking good for Chae-Woon after this latest cliffhanger. She did the selfless thing and lied to protect her birth mother. It is quite sad though given the truth could mean that Ms Kim may lose the company. However, it’s not really her fault since she didn’t know her daughter was alive. Of course, Na-Ro and Seo-A are now gloating as they are slowly managing to get rid of Chae-Woon. I do hope Ms Kim starts seeing just how evil and manipulative her adoptive daughter is. Then again, she will probably throw one of her fake tantrums and get away with it. On a more positive note, we got to see more of the James and Hwak-Se bromance today and it was a lot of fun to watch. Hwak-Se’s reaction when he saw Jung-Hoo’s house was quite touching too and I do hope he gets his happy ending eventually. It has been nice to see more of the secondary characters during the last few episodes, including Hae-Deun who is now a lot happier with herself thanks to her new job. Plenty more drama is coming our way in this show and Chae-Woon will have to face a lot more before she gets to be happy. While it is quite predictable that all will be okay in the end, Homemade Love Story remains enjoyable and entertaining to watch each weekend.

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