Happy Endings

Does Jeong-Won agree to do the bowel transplant?

Episode 12 of Hospital Playlist Season 2 starts this finale with us following our five doctors starting their days. Jeong-Won’s first patient is Seung-Chae who has bowel problems. Jeong-Won thinks she is doing well but her mother wants to consider a bowel transplant for her as she wants to cook a proper meal for once. Jeong-Won decides to think about it and tells her to come back in a few days. Jun-wan has a meeting with the other doctors to discuss one of his former patients, Choi Eun-Dam, who happens to be 7 years old and diagnosed with Marfan syndrome. He had surgery four years ago but his heart is enlarged. He is suffering from kyphoscoliosis and may need surgery. The doctors discuss what they should do but Jun-Wan wants to see the child first before deciding on the best course of action. In the evening, Gyeo-Wool discusses Seung-Chae with two other interns. She explains that bowel transplant is a difficult procedure and it has a fifty percent chance of working. However, she understands why mothers choose to go that way as children want to start eating more as they grow up. Jeong-Won calls her next as he has decided to go ahead with the surgery.

How do the doctors react to Song-Hwa and Ik-Jun dating?

As they stop for lunch, Jun-Wan, Seok-Hyeong, Jeong-Won and Song-Hwa discuss their weekend plans. Jun-Wan asks them what they are all doing so Song-Hwa reveals that she is seeing Ik-Jun and that they are dating. The three boys laugh it off at first, but she insists. They still don’t believe her but she remains very serious. Seok-Hyeong meets with Song-Hwa and tells her he is dating Min-Ha. She is surprised and happy that they are. He tells her he is going to tell his mum tonight but also has a back up plan. She mentions that she’s going to have dinner with Ik-Jun which makes Seok-Hyeong realize that they are definitely dating. He laughs and expresses how happy he is for them. Song-Hwa then goes into her office and finds Ik-Jun asleep on her sofa. She wakes him up and the two eat together.

What happens with Rosa and Jong-Su?

Jun-Wan’s next patient is Eun-Dam and he can see how serious his condition now is. He tells his mum Eun-Dam can’t carry on like this and will try to expedite the surgery. Jun-Wan later meets with Jae-Hak to discuss what he is planning to do and to let him know he has called on a more experienced surgeon to help out as the operation will be difficult. Rosa and Jong-Su sit outside and talk about their future. Jong-Su has seen his son for the first time in a long time and has also resigned from being a chairman. She offers to have him stay with her and gives him a discount on rent. He then suggests that they go to her dream vacation(walking Camina De Santiago) which makes her very happy. Young-Hye arrives soon after and tells Rosa that Seok-Hyeong is not going to the US because his new girlfriend told him to stay and look after his mother. This makes her very happy too and looks forward to meeting her.

Do the band perform one final song?

In the evening, Song-Hwa and Ik-Jun are out having dinner. Ik-Sun joins them as she was in the neighbourhood, followed by Jun-Wan soon after. After dinner, all four head to a karaoke place where the siblings perform. Song-Hwa is up next and as always, she sings out of tune. However, Ik-Jun is smitten and can’t help but smile while watching her. Jeong-Won also has dinner with Gyeo-Wool who seems a lot more relaxed. She tells him her mother wants to have dinner with him as she told him she loves someone and wanted to meet that person. Things are going well for Min-Ha and Seok-Hyeong too as he walks her home. They both have told their parents about their relationships and the evening ends with Seok-Hyeong kissing her goodnight. Jae-Hak and Hyo-Ju come for an appointment with Seok-Hyeong. The surgeon is very happy with the baby’s health and her progress with the chemo too.

Are the surgeries successful?

Ik-Jun and Jun-Wan’s former patient, Jong-Gil, is rushed to the ER with a brain haemorrhage. Song-Hwa performs emergency surgery on him. Afterwards, she speaks to his wife and son but it’s not good news. They are not able to operate because of the area where the bleeding is and tells them that they made need to prepare themselves. Meanwhile, Ik-Jun’s transplant patient, Bae Jong-Seop, takes a turn for the worse and is experiencing hematemesis. He has to be urgently intubated and the doctors work hard at stopping the bleeding. Ik-Jun arrives and after speaking to another doctor, decides to move his transplant forward. Song-Hwa has another difficult surgery with a patient with an hematoma, while Jeong-Won gets a call that a donor has been found for Seung-Chae. He speaks to the parents about the surgery and what will happen. It’s touch and go for Jong-Seop’s transplant as he is in critical condition. Ik-Jun remains calm during this tense surgery. Thankfully, his blood pressure settles down and Ik-Jun is able to finish. The doctor then relays to the family that both surgeries were successful. Jong-Gil gets worse after a while and Song-Hwa suspects that he may be brain-dead. She tells his family and later confides in Ik-Jun. Not long after though, Song-Hwa’s other patient regains consciousness and the family are relieved and celebrate. There is a sharp contrast here when Song-Hwa see both families of her patients. It is now Jeong-Won’s turn to do his difficult transplant on Seung-Chae. During dinner, Jeong-Won reveals that he has decided to go to the US for a year with Gyeo-Wool to study and research small bowel transplant. His friends are surprised but they know one year will go quickly. They perform their usual band practice but are a bit sad as they feel it will be their last one. Some time later, in Yulje, Du-Na is finally able to go home. She is doing a lot better with her movement and her speech. Eun-Dam also seems to be on the mend as he is able to sleep on his back.

How does Hospital Playlist Season 2 end?

Jae-Hak receives some good news from the police as they have arrested the person who scammed him a while back. He is so relieved and tells Jun-Wan he got his money back – finally! The next day, Jun-Wan visits Ik-Sun at the army and the two share a tearful hug. Both look relieved that they found each other again, while Ik-Jun and Song-Hwa go camping together. Four months later, Jae-Hak’s wife delivers a healthy baby girl. Both parents are ecstatic and Jae-Hak quickly calls Jun-Wan to let him know. Seung-Chae visits Jeong-Won and her mother tells the doctor how well she is doing and eating. The episode ends with the five doctors heading together outside to watch the sunset.

The Episode Review

Hospital Playlist delivers an excellent finale wrapping up each characters’ stories very well. The episode doubles up with the tension too as all our surgeons are faced with some difficult surgeries; some with good outcomes and some not so much. We see yet again how dedicated and skilled they all are and, one thing’s for sure, we will definitely miss them. There were, of course, some funny moments and the most memorable one was when Song-Hwa told her friends she is dating Ik-Jun. Their reaction was quite priceless and as always the chemistry between the actors was perfect. Everyone receives their happy ending too and even Jun-Wan and Ik-Sun seem to have reconciled. Seok-Hyeong has also managed to get his mother to like his girlfriend even before meeting her, while Jeong-Won and Gyeo-Wool are off to the States together. This was quite the bittersweet moment for our five friends as they realized this was going to be their last band practice. Hospital Playlist, like many other K-drama of its kind, has managed to balance humour, romance and tension really well and I would highly recommend this series. The show has delivered a great second season and I am sure that many – including myself – will be hoping for a third season of this excellent medical drama!