The Tea Party

Episode 2 of Imitation begins with Dae-Gwon driving off and convinced that Ma-Ha is a ghost. Kwon-Ryeok scoffs at his manager and offers the girl a lift back. However, this could cause problems. Knowing this, the pair walk together instead. Not directly though, as Ma-Ha is told to walk just behind him. He makes sure she’s okay, and eventually leaves her at the end of the road. Yu-Jin eventually shows up and manages to find Ma-Ha. As he drives her home, he’s not happy with the slimy manager leaving the girl at the lot. He thinks she should report him but Ma-Ha is nonchalant over the whole affair. Anyway, they drive all night and eventually make it back home. Hyun-Ji is there to greet her with Ri-A, and together the trio discuss what’s happened. As they lie together, Ma-Ha decides to quit the K-Pop industry. She believes she’s too old and this world is not for them. The other two girls agree and they decide to change their life the following day. Elsewhere, Kwon-Ryeok is grilled by the rest of Shax who confront him over his antics following the acting gig. They figure out he was with a girl but Kwon-Ryeok doesn’t go into details. Yi-Hyun tells him to focus, reminding him that they have an album coming up. The next day Shax end up doing a press conference, with all the boys quiet as Kwon Ryeok speaks his piece. Reporter Byun suddenly shows up though and questions them over Eun-Jo’s disappearance. Her questions cause quite a stir as the conference immediately ends and the group scarper. In the morning, Ma-Ha grabs some material to help her pass her GED Exam. However, she receives a call from JH Entertainment which she’s sure is a scam. When she rings Tae-Geun though, she learns it’s not a con and it’s genuine. This immediately changes the group’s opinion, as the trio go and check this offer out. However, they remain hesitant and definitely don’t want to be scammed again. The trio greet the CEO of JH Entertainment and the owner of a quaint little café called Ji-Hak. He calls them pros, having followed their career over time. He knows all about them and their stories are enough to spark him into action and given them a chance. Of course, this chance will benefit Ji-Hyuk too. He shows them all a good contact, including monthly pay and seemingly no consequences for heading off and dating. The contract is for a year and if they manage to make it big after that time, then a new contract will be drawn up. This is enough for the trio to extend their dreams for a year and sign. The contract begins the following day and the group rename themselves Tea Party. The first day begins and the group are immediately encouraged to head on-air and introduce themselves. Kwon Ryeok winds up seeing Ma-Ha but La Ri-Ma notices too and is not happy – especially as Ma-Ha’s gig is a direct copy of Ri-Ma’s stunts. Before they even get a chance to perform on stage, Tea Party find themselves doing a number of different PR stunts. It’s small money but enough to build up some buzz. Ma-Ha is told to head off on her own to represent Tea Party though. With her manager gone, Ma-Ha finds La Ri-Ma before her, who calls the girl a copycat and forces her to look exactly like her on TV. She’s intimated but succumbs to her wishes for now, much to the displeasure of Kwon-Ryeok who questions whether copying is all she’s good at. Well, back on stage Ma-Ha starts her performance but she holds out a hand and asks for Kwon-Ryeok’s help. Will he accept?

The Episode Review

Imitation returns with another good episode, this time switching things up and seeing our trio of girls involved in the PR world of K-Pop. With interviews and various stunt across Korea, the mood of the mob soon turns from amusement to annoyance. The ever-changing landscape of the entertainment world is difficult to navigate and these girls may be on the up now, but with every ascent comes an equal steep descent. Either way, this second chapter does a great job fleshing out the characters and showing that Ma-Ha and Kwon-Ryeok actually have a lot of history together. He obviously wants her to succeed but she’s currently stuck in this copycat gig and with little to show for it right now. The ending certainly leaves lots of prospects going forward, with summering tensions between the two groups – and the industry as a whole – bubbling up in this K-Pop drama. Roll on the next episode!