The Mission

Episode 7 of Insider starts with Yo-Han heading off to scout out the Shinseon-Dong guys. Sun-O has warned him that these guys are incredibly crooked so he needs to be careful. He heads in to see the Warden, asking about it. He claims to have been sent from an unknown affiliate but he refuses to say who. It doesn’t take long before Yo-Han meets Do Won-Bong, Gangnam’s King of the loan sharks. Su-Yeon helps set up a meet but despite trying to pay him off with gold bars, it doesn’t work. When Su-Yeon leaves, Prosecutor Hong happens to be watching Su-Yeon and has a photographer snap photos of her leaving the prison. With the tension rising, Yo-Han goes over all the people responsible for killing his grandmother and setting him up. There’s prosecutor Hong Jae-Sun, Hong Sang-Wook and, of course, Yoon Byung-Wook. Oh and Jo Hae-Do. However, there could be another dangerous player involved. Su-Yeon is concerned it could be Chairman Yang’s older brother. The true leader of the Bukyeongpa gang, Yang Hwa. The trouble is, Su-Yeon is being followed so she can’t go to Aram Orphanage, which is the hotspot for where Min-Ho is located. More on this in a minute! Timing is of the essence, Yo-Han contemplates whether to ring Sun-o and get him involved. For now though, Yo-Han is called up to see the Warden. After handing back his laptop, we cut back slightly to see Yo-Han having cracked into the accounts and uncovering some of what’s happening here. It turns out Younghak Industries and Geojun Construction are in collusion with the Warden, who has made numerous deposits to them. Yo-Han is asking a lot of questions and in order to bring Won-Bong out of hiding, he hurts Jang Chul-Woo just like he was, using a brick and a nasty injury to his foot. Yo-Han asks for his help in finding a child that went missing seven months back. Still, Yo-Han manages to get out of prison, thanks to Won-Bong’s influence, and remains dead-set on finding the child. He follows the coordinates and arrives in Lecture room 201A. There, he notices a file under the desk. Yo-Han follows the address inside and arrives to drop off a package. The man in question though happens to be Hae-Do, the dangerous guy who initially ripped his teeth out. Even worse though, his crew have been taken out in the prison, given the ol’ pendulum treatment and kept out of commission. So as you may expect, Hae-Do is not happy. With things looking bleak, Hae-Do brings out a lawyer he’s been keeping, who’s bloodied and beaten. When he learns Won-Bong has sent him, the lawyer helps Yo-Han escape, shutting off the electrics and fleeing in the streets with him. Although Yo-Han manages to make it out unscathed, the same can’t be said for the officers who show up to arrest Hae-Do. They cause a car accident and bundle him into a van, with the police in a dire state. As for Su-Yeon, she tricks her trackers and manages to obtain the information to break into the orphanage. Once there though, Yo-Han learns that Min-Ho (the boy he’s after) is there. But there’s a problem. Hae-Do planted a tracker on Yo_han earlier in the episode and knows exactly where Yo-Han is. He doesn’t know the significance of the child though, something that Yo-Han uses to his advantage. They manage to evade Hae-Do, and flee into the parking lot. The pair try their best to escape from Hae-Do, who follows them in. He’s recovered and begins chasing after them. It’s here Min-Ho admits that Hae-Do is the real culprit who killed his grandmother, Dal-So. Unfortunately, a car arrives and ploughs straight into Min-Ho. It’s Yang-Hwa, and he’s now shown his hand. With Min-Ho dead, Su-yeon arrives to save Yo-Han before he’s taken out of commission too. But, quick as a flash, Yang-Hwa stands back up and chases them down, pummeling their windshield as everything is left on a big cliffhanger.

The Episode Review

An exciting episode of Insider sees Yo-Han now outside the prison courtesy of doing a mission for Do Won-Bong. It’s certainly quite the development and helps to change up the scenery to outside the prison. That 5 minute recap at the beginning was massively helpful too, as there’s been a lot of narrative thrown into this across the 7 episodes so far. It would appear that the action is turning to outside the prison walls now and it’ll be interesting to see exactly how that develops over time. Yo-Han’s kill list is growing; the people he needs to take out and get his revenge. In that respect, it gives the show a lot of direction going forward and a clear vision for how this one is likely to play out. However, with so many players in this game, it does also have the adverse effect of diluting the characters thus far. Although Insider has slowed down a little from its initial prison drama promise, there’s still enough here to enjoy. The cliffhanger ending certainly leaves things on a nail-biting note too, as all eyes now turn to the next episode.