Arthur walks in on Molly as she’s trying to pick an outfit for her date at Jean-Pierre’s vineyard. Biting back jealousy, he assures her she’ll look great in whatever she chooses. Molly is convinced that her meeting with Jean-Pierre isn’t a date because he’s still working and covered in grease when she arrives. During dinner, he tells her about his childhood, how he rejected his family’s wealth until his grandfather asked him to carry on his family’s legacy. He thought helping people would give his life meaning. Molly is impressed and mentions that most rich people don’t think that way. Jean-Pierre thinks that she does, however. He then tells her he made up an excuse to be in Cerritos while she was opening the community center. He just wanted to find her. Meanwhile, Nicholas gets dinner with Howard and his girlfriend, Tanya. When Howard excuses himself to the restroom, Nicholas tells Tanya how much Howard loves her and how he’s sure that the “next step” is right around the corner. But Tanya freaks out. She says she’s not marrying Howard; he’s not “husband material.” She’s essentially just using him for what he can give her. After dinner, Nicholas tells Howard what Tanya told him. Howard yells at him for lying to him and claims they’re not friends anymore. Back at their own dinner, Molly and Jean-Pierre muse about the loss of youth. He tells her she’s “different” and “fuller” than other women he knows. “You are everything,” he says. Just then, a woman named Jacqueline arrives, greets Jean-Pierre, and kisses him. He introduces Jacqueline to Molly like nothing out of the ordinary has just happened. Jean-Pierre calls Jacqueline his “partner.” When they step away from the table, Molly calls Sofia. She asks her to look up Jacqueline and find out what their relationship with each other is. She finds that they’ve gone to a lot of events with each other for years. They work together, but Jacqueline is married, to Molly’s relief. But Molly’s hope is again crushed when Jean-Pierre and Jacqueline return with a business proposal. Jean-Pierre says a business collaboration is why they’ve brought her to his vineyard. After dinner, Molly drives away from Jean-Pierre’s feeling dejected–but he flags her down from his horse. Running up to her car window, he apologizes for his behavior. He wasn’t sure if their meeting was romantic or just for business. They both say they feel a connection between them, and they kiss.

The Episode Review

Loot trudges along with a trite and predictable romance in this episode. Jean-Pierre’s “You’re not like other women” is a huge red flag–not to mention their gag-inducing bonding over being good rich people. At the very least, it looks like the show is setting up Molly for some harsh realizations about the fake nature of her privileged world. Just as Molly’s and Jean-Pierre’s romance, Nicholas and Howard’s conflict here is completely contrived. All we have to do is wait for Tanya to betray Howard for him to realize the truth and apologize to Nicholas–a plot uninteresting and overdone.