What A Mess

Episode 16 of Love (ft. Marriage and Divorce) Season 2 is a complete and utter mess. Before we dissect that though, let’s break down what actually happens. We begin with a big decision for Ga-Bin to make. Given her wedding proposal, she decides to tell Hae-Ryun she wants to be alone for now, taking her leave. Well, Dong-Ma isn’t taking no for an answer and heads over to her place. He scoops her up, takes her out and takes her out, where he ends up buying a whole bunch of clothes for her. He even boasts about remembering her measurements too. During this time, Hae-Ryun struggles to get through to her. As the day draws on, Dong-Ma manages to convince his ex to seriously consider his offer. He questions her love toward Hae-Ryun while the pair sit and have a picnic. Dong-Ma goes on, admitting that he regrets not meeting her parents in Granada. He uses that as ammunition to win Ga-Bin over. Eventually this culminates in Hae-Ryun’s heart being shattered as Ga-Bin breaks up with him. Meanwhile, Yu-Shin continues to hang around like a bad smell. Ji-A is happy to see her Dad though, who decides he’s now going to come over for breakfast every day. He’a also going to drive Ji-A to school too. Pi-Young strains a smile. In private though, she warns Yu-Shin away. Only, he mentions Seo-Ban’s history and his work credentials, prompting Pi-Young to hold back and walk away in disgust. Hye-Ryung continues to put up her facade and heads over to see Moon-Ho and the gang. She apologizes for her actions and asks Song-Won to let her know when she’s going to give birth. Furthermore, she wants to be at her baby shower too. Elsewhere, Dong-Mi takes up boxing lessons to try and prevent a repeat of the fight that she had with A-Mi off-screen. A-Mi is sly though and concocts a new plan to win Yu-Shin over. She claims the woman has dementia and uses her forgetfulness to try and wind Dong-Mi up. The next day, Pi-Young finds herself forced to phone Yu-Shin. She needs a handyman and given she can’t get one anytime soon, she calls on him to help. Well, the pair head out for drinks (hey, what about Ji-A? Who’s looking after her?) And discuss their past. In fact, Yu-Shin has a gift for her. It’s a beautiful silver necklace. As he gives it to her, he reveals that it’s actually the anniversary of their first official date. Although Pi-Young is grateful,A-Mi comes bounding round the corner. It turns out Pi-Young actually rang her prior to this meeting, and it’s just the opportunity she needs to take her leave. Meanwhile, Ga-Bin rings Si-Eun and reveals she’s outside her apartment. Ga-Bin claims she’s being punished for breaking up her marriage and believes this is why her parents have passed away. As she begins crying, Si-Eun hugs her and eventually brings the girl inside. Well, not long after Seo-Ban heads out for his scheduled dinner with the girls. While there, the group all start talking, as Si-Eun exudes some words of wisdom. There’s then a jump in time. How long? Who knows, let’s just run with it. Anyway, our different characters head outside preparing for their scheduled weddings. I mean, the pairings are all completely whack, there’s no context for any of this and then the scene cuts to our final scene of the episode. Little Ji-A is by herself, heading up to see Yu-Shin and Dong-Mi. The girl suddenly lunges at Dong-Mi, as it’s revealed that Ki-Rim is possessing her. She looks set to grab Dong-Mi and choke her out… and then we fade to black. What.

The Episode Review

Was Love (ft. Marriage and Divorce) written by a computer algorithm? For me, that seems like the only explanation for what can only be described as utter gibberish for this finale. There’s no closure for any of our characters, every single player has a butchered arc by the end and the character resolutions are non-existent. What happened to Hye-Ryung’s character? What is going on with the Ki-Rim ghost? What happened between A-Mi and Dong-Mi? Did Hae-Ryun end up alone or did he patch things up with Si-Eun? Did Song Won give birth outside a Sa-Hyun vision? Is Sa-Hyun really okay at work? Did the scandal just blow over in the end? And what’s going on with Pi-Young and Seo-Ban? There are just so many questions left unanswered for this one. In fact, I’d actually go so far as to say this could be one of the most unsatisfying finales I’ve ever had the misfortune of watching. It really is that bad. Now, I know I’ve been harsh on this show in previous recaps but next to Luca: The Beginning and Love Alarm Season 2, this is up there with one of the worst k-dramas of the year. As a makjang, this show has failed to really elevate and capitalize on its dramatic spikes. As a thematic look at marriage, the message seems to be that if you have an affair then you’ll land on your feet and be rewarded for it. And as a simple story with a beginning, middle and end, this one fails to actually bring any of our characters on a meaningful or worthwhile journey. In essence, this has been a complete waste of time. Now, the solo episode with Yu-Shin and Pi-Young is by far the best segment of the entire two season run and for that alone, this elevates the second season score. But as a consistent story across two seasons? This is a dreadful finale. Given the sunk cost fallacy involved with this, the fact that the writers essentially pull a fast one and just leave everything unresolved with a 65 minute finale of not-very-much is unfair to those who have invested time into this one. Based on the pretense right now that this is the conclusion to the show, it’s a complete and utter disaster. I won’t ramble on, especially for those who like this show, but as a finale this is the perfect example of how not to conclude a show. Maybe it’s time to just watch Sky Castle again!