I Love You To The Yu-Shin Moon And Back

Episode 7 of Love (ft. Marriage and Divorce) Season 2 begins with Pi-Young deciding to visit Yu-Shin at the stables. She’s determined to figure out the truth and see if her husband is having an affair. Luckily for Yu-Shin, A-Mi is called away by her Director at the last minute, just as Pi-Young shows up. When Pi-Young appears, Yu-Shin is obviously rattled but he maintains his composure. Pi-Young questions him about the young girl Hae-Ryung mentioned last episode. Specifically, who he’s been horse-riding with. Yu-Shin simply brushes it off as a teenage girl from the past. Pi-young buys it too, believe it or not, and heads home. When she does, she wonders just how she ever doubted Yu-Shin in the first place. In the middle of all this is another hilarious and utterly useless scene involving Dong-Mi and ghost Ki-Rim. This time ghostly black writing shows up, with him cursing her out and wondering what to do with her. Feeling the heat, Yu-Shin decides to break up with A-Mi. He tells her it’s just temporary and that he really does love her. A-Mi is obviously distraught and ends up in tears in the car park. Later on in the episode, she actually ends up in hospital. Possibly from depression, possibly from bad writing. Or a bit of both! Back home, Yu-Shin and Pi-Young end up eating sweet potatoes with Dong-Mi. That night, Pi-Young seduces and dances for Yu-Shin in the bedroom. Next door, Dong-Mi does the same thing and sees Yu-Shin’s face in the moon. It’s absolutely hilarious to be honest but it’s played off as a really serious moment. Elsewhere, Moon-Ho takes Song-Won’s advice and begs for forgiveness with Ye-Jung. She begrudgingly agrees to give him another chance, as Moon-Ho remains dead-set on treating her like his Queen. Well, that evening they head to the restaurant with Song Won and offer her a place to stay. They claim the air is cleaner where they are and that this will be better for the baby. Only, trouble ensues when Sa-Hyun appears at the restaurant, ordering food to go. When he notices Song-Won, he joins them for dinner. What none of them banked on though is Hye-Ryung, who shows up later that evening. Fireworks ensue… for a few seconds at least. Hye-Ryung grabs Song Won and then Sa-Hyun but Moon-Ho restrains her and holds the girl back. Unwilling to see this kick off in the restaurant, the group pay their bill and head back home to talk. On the way out, Hye-Ryung’s friends notice them all leaving together. As Hye-Ryung interrogates Song Won, the episode comes to a close midway through their conversation.

The Episode Review

Well that was…disappointing. We’ve been waiting two whole seasons for this and the ensuing meeting is pretty tepid and restrained. Out of all the women Hye-Ryung was the one I was hoping would go full on slapping and screaming. So far that hasn’t happened. It also doesn’t help that this entire family are on Song Won’S side which is pretty sick and unfair when you think about it. After all, regardless of her pregnancy she still had a hand in breaking up a married couple and should be held accountable for that. Meanwhile, Ki-Rim seems to be a bit more vengeful now, cursing out Dong-Mi and wondering what to do with her. Only, she’s too busy seeing Yu-Shin in the moon. This show certainly has a way of making really ridiculous and unintentionally hilarious scenes. I would say this is a satire but the show isn’t clever nor entertaining enough to pull that off. Instead, this watered down melodrama lacks the spark needed and even now, as the mistresses meet the wives, everything feels shallow and tepid. Hopefully there will be some fireworks in the future.