The Imminent End

Episode 15 of Love (ft. Marriage and Divorce) Season 3 starts with Dong-Ma and Pi-Young leaving their apartment together. Pi-Young is blushing and she gestures for Dong-Ma to stop staring. The pair make it up to see Dong-Ma’s father, where they confirm their baby is due on September 30th. With Seo-Ban and Si-Eun there too, Dong-Ma’s father marvels at how lively it is in the house now. The maids, however, aren’t too enthused. It’s more work for them and they grit their teeth as Dong-Ma’s father orders them to bring some strawberries to the table. This resentment is projected onto Hyang-Gi later on, who’s told to wash up her cups. Pi-Young notices and tells the maids not to hassle the kids as they have schoolwork and the like to do. Si-Eun does well to keep her secret, but in the quiet of the night, she researches online and tries to find out more information about her pregnancy. While this is going on, Dong-Mi ends up dancing with Yu-Shin in the house. With a rose in her mouth, she continues to take a trip down memory lane. This time, she relives her memories from when she used to dance with her teacher, Richard Kang. A-Mi continues to try and get a confession from her, speaking to Dong-Mi afterwards and brings up Ki-Rim and what happened to hi. She. records their conversation and presses her on what happened. Unfortunately Dong-Mi doesn’t bite and reveal what really took place. A-Mi feeds all of this back to Yu-Shin but he’s exasperated and tells her to stop meddling. “You told me to talk to your patient.” She teases. Yu-Shin doesn’t see the funny side of this. While Dong-Mi heads out to see Hae-Ryun (who also notices how crazy grandma is now), Si-Eun and Pi-Young go for lunch wit Hye-Ryung. While they eat, Yu-Shin continues to regret his actions as he thinks over food and how accommodating Pi-Young was for him. Now though, the constant taste of fried chicken rather than homecooked food is doing nothing for him. Good. Serves him right for cheating. A-Mi waits until morning and makes noodles but they’re bland and without flavour. Ghost Song-Won – whom we’ve seen jusr wandering about and eating food – plops herself down at the table and starts eating some noodles. As you do. Over at Dong-Ma’s place, the maids are fed up and want a raise. Pi-Young sits down with them and points out that although there are more of them now, they’re not lounging about and acting like slobs; they’re happy to help too. However, they already receive hefty salaries. Salaries that come from this family. The maids are not happy and together, they conspire in private to all quit at the same time. When Si-Eun and Pi-Young beg for them to stay, they’ll ask for a 30% raise. That is, if they’re even asked to stay of course. In their absence, Si-Eun does a pregnancy test and finds out she’s definitely pregnant. At the same time, we return to Hye-Ryung who starts grilling Sa-Hyun and taking her depression and frustrations out on him. Eventually Hye-Ryung packs her things and looks set to walk out, having had enough. When Moon-ho speaks to Sa-Hyun and unpacks her gear, Hye-Ryung seems to pass out on the sofa, presumably from the stress of it all. Hae-Ryun ends up seeing Ga-Bin again while he’s waiting to meet Dong-Mi. She doesn’t show up and instead when he rings her, Dong-Mi brushes him off, claiming she’s in a bad mood and wants to leave it. That leaves Hae-Ryun and Ga-Bin to talk. Elsewhere, Pi-Young breaks the news to Ji-A that she’s going to be a big sister. She’s delighted. When they make their way back to the house, the three maids sit and enact their plan, quitting. Si-Eun and Pi-Young accept it. That’s not the reaction they’re after and find themselves in an even bigger mess. Still, it’s too late though and they’re forced to leave with their tails tucked between their legs. Dong-Mi continues to spiral but this time, A-Mi has Yu-Shin by her side when she admits the truth about killing Ki-Jin. She begins manically laughing, as Yu-Shin is left shocked and appalled. As the episode closes out, several reapers show up to take Song-Won back. Oh my god are we getting a crossover with MBC’s Tomorrow? How exciting!

The Episode Review

Love (ft. Marriage and Divorce) coughs out another algorithmically driven slice of drama, with other characters just sorta doing things because the script calls it. Hye-Ryung’s character has been thoroughly butchered here, while Song-Won and the lack of rules and explanation around this ghostly world just makes the whole thing feel random and out of place. There are some positives though, namely that involving Seo-Ban and Si-Eun’s relationship and their upcoming baby. I’d imagine he’ll be delighted to find out Si-Eun is pregnant. Likewise, seeing the maids get their comeuppance and leave without anything is surprisingly satisfying and a great inclusion too. Despite all that, this season has felt meandering and mediocre at best. With this show looking set to come to its end, will we get one final twist before this show concludes?