Min-Hyeok’s Sacrifice

Several weeks ago, Love With Flaws felt like a runaway freight train that could career off tracks at any given moment. This week seems to have steadied the carriages somewhat, as the show knuckles down and delivers some pretty good story development, with a lot more questions this time around and some good, albeit rushed, focus on the various subplots bubbling away in the background. The episodes begin with Seo-Yeon and Kang heading inside together where they awkwardly start talking over each other. It gets even more awkward too, as Seo-Yeon wraps her arms stiffly around him and the duo just generally have difficulty gelling. Back home, Won-Jae phones Mi-Kyung to get Kang’s address. Given it’s going to lead to some big drama, Mi-Kyung decides to head over to their house to see this chaos unfold. As they all arrive, they spy Kang and Seo-Yeon dancing around with red wine. Kang apologises to Won-Jae for the way he’s behaved toward their family after he spots them, before he brings Seo home and questions her over what she’s doing. She storms off though, bemoaning her lack of privacy while Kang remains caught up over what happened before between them. At school, Min-Hyeok snatches up something caught on Seo-Yeon’s back but as she spins round, they have a moment together where it almost looks like they’re going to kiss. Meanwhile, Kang-Hee calls Won-Jae her boyfriend and asks him about his siblings. He shows her the picture of them and goes on to talk about how Seo-Yeon is different, admitting in his own way how much he cares and loves his sister. Kang-Hee immediately heads to Kang-Woo’s after this interaction and tells him to break up with Seo-Yeon. He refuses though of course, while at school Seo-Joon hurts his shoulder midway through a dance routine in the classroom. Seo-Yeon rushes him to hospital with Min-Hyeok riding along too but once there, he has flashbacks to his time working in the hospital. Snapping him out of his trance, Seo-Yeon gives him something sweet to drink and the two sit together talking, where she notices something up with him. On the way back, Min-Hyeok admits to liking Seo-Yeon outside, which prompts Seo-Joon to immediately start questioning her over her feelings toward him.  Dr Lee continues his therapy session with Kang, where he tells the doctor about his problems with Min-Hyeok. As he does, Dr Lee reminisces over his own family problems, in particular his brother Dong-Goo. He throws his arms around Kang, sobbing, and admits his real name is Bang-Goo. Only…this means he’s been pretending to be a licenced therapist all this time. However, he quickly composes himself and they return to their therapy session. Back home, Mi-Kyung questions just why Jang-Mi has been acting so strange and dressing up like Seo-Yeon. It’s here she admits to mimicking Seo-Yeon’s every action and promises to leave. As she does, Mi-Kyung asks just who she really is. it turns out the policeman from earlier in the season was hired by her Mum to bring her back home. She hugs Seo-Yeon and Mi-Kyung before leaving… for the building across the street which she bought earlier, presumably explaining away where the missing money from the house is. Later on, Seo-Yeon and Kang head out for dinner where they run into Won-Jae, who promises to introduce his girlfriend to them. Kang-Hee spots her brother though and immediately darts away to meet herm where she asks him whether he wants to marry her. Meanwhile, Min-Hyeok practices telling Seo-Yeon he doesn’t like her anymore alone, before practicing the real thing in front of her. Afterward, she receives a phone call from Kang-Woo’s grandmother. Seo-Joon is booted out of HS Entertainment thanks to Ho-Dol leaking the video involving Joo-Hee. At home she boots his knee and tells him she’s not an escort. As the two quarrel, Min-Hyeok and Seo-Yeon hug it out as he promises not to like her but Kang Woo spies them from the window and chases him down the street. Back at his house, he learns that Kang’s grandmother is going to look out for him and Seo-Yeon. It’s here we cut back in time and see that what Min-Hyeok was really practicing. The earlier moments were actually for his grandmother to give Kang-Woo support in pursuing Seo-Yeon. It’s a very selfless act and one that sees Kang back in the driver’s seat for Seo-Yeon’s affection. After kissing her hand, Kang leans in to kiss her but she pulls away, intending to go home and put on her sexy lingerie. Instead, he snatches her up and tells her she’s the only one he sees. As he carries her away, Mr Potato blushes on the table. Love With Flaws hasn’t always had the smoothest ride but the subplots coming together during the final week has been enough to smooth over some of the inherent issues with this one earlier in the show. The dissipating love triangle is good to see too and Min-Hyeok’s selfless act toward his grandmother is easily the highlight of the entire episode. There’s a lot to like here this week though and although not all the answers feel that satisfying, particularly the ones involving Seo-Joon and Jang-Mi, there’s at least a conscious effort to try and resolve everything which is good to see. With two final episodes to go it’s fair to assume the drama will probably focus a lot more on the subplots in order to wrap these up but credit where credit’s due, this double bill of episodes was highly enjoyable and featured some good humour too. Quite how this one will end remains to be seen but for now, there’s enough intrigue to come back tomorrow to find out.