What Kind Of Woman Is She?

Episode 14 of Lovestruck In The City begins with Eun-O making ramyeon for everyone. Although Rin-I and Geon’s have lots of cockles, Jae-Won’s unfortunately has none. Well, while sat at dinner together Geon tells Eun-O that the rent is going up by 20% which causes her to begin shouting loudly in annoyance. Jae-Won is puzzled over her attitude, trying to work out exactly who this girl is. Back home, in a sense of irony, Jae-Won realizes that Eun-O has left her suitcase behind. Opening it up, it turns out to be empty. Will he give it back to her? Anyway, Eun-O continues to phone clients for O3, doing her best to try and drum up work to offset the rent increase. Meanwhile, Keong-Jun makes some spaghetti for Rin-I as a way to cheer her up after she loses her job at the cosmetic store. While he thinks she’ll be upset, Rin-I is in surprisingly high spirits about it all. Well, Kyeong-Jun suggests she study to become a teacher, offering to pay for her tuition. Rin-I simply tells her she’s happy with her life as it is right now. Kyeong-Jun is not so sure. At work, Jae-Won learns that O3 has won the bidding, which means the team leader will be Jae-Won. When he finds out, a wry smile crosses Jae-Won’s face while Eun-O simply sighs loudly. Well, Jae-Won checks online and notices numerous updates from Eun-O that hint toward their summer together. Realizing this means she does like him, Jae-Won drives up to her apartment. Only…he crashes into Eun-O’s car and completely ruins his romantic gesture. This soon turns heated when Eun-o shows up and the two begin talking. Talking turns to accusations. Accusations turn to insults. And then Eun-O’s ring drops from around her neck. Now Jae-Won has confirmation that she hasn’t moved on. He pleads with Eun-O to admit her true feelings until she eventually leans forward and kisses him. Jae-Won kisses back as the episode comes to a close.

The Episode Review

Lovestruck In The City finally sees our main couple kiss after the reveal of the rings is shown off in all its glory. Now Jae-Won knows that Eun-o cares about him and the kiss at the end is the perfect way for them to heal and move on again. This show hasn’t always had the smoothest rides but these later episodes are definitely bringing everything together in the best possible way. It’s nicely tied into the supporting characters too with Rin-I and Kyeong-Jun contrasting Jae-Won and Eun-O’s turbulent moments together. The ending certainly leaves the door wide open though, promising a dramatic episode to come next week.