Who Killed Ji-Yong?

Episode 15 of Mine begins several days before Ji-Yong’s murder. Both Seo-Hyun and Hi-Soo are on the same page, likening each other to sisters, and remain determined to take Ji-Yong down. Ji-Yong is left with a tough decision to make though when he finds out the pair are working against him. Will he confess to the murder? Of course not, we know the future timeline! However, Hi-Soo and Seo-Hyun remain determined to play their “last resort.” Cut forward to after the murder and the investigator interviews Seo-Hyun again. She mentions several secret exits in the house and also reveals that she believes Ji-Yong commit suicide. Baek Dong-Hun next turns his attention to Jin-Ho, who’s less steely than Seo-Hyun. He’s pretty shifty and he dances around Seong-Tae’s motivations. Apparently he’s always wanted to stay in Monaco… until Jin-Ho openly admits that they were lovers. He calls him cute and actually does a pretty good job playing off his nervousness. Hi-Soo heads to the doctors and is prescribed sleeping pills. She questions whether she’ll be able to love anyone and claims that she’s been having nightmares since that night. Speaking to the therapist Hi-Soo tells her she wants to reset her life and start anew. When she leaves though, she notices the detectives are hanging about and keeping tabs on her. Something clearly doesn’t add up with her statements though, as Baek Dong-Hun starts combing through old CCTV footage to see if that holds any clues. Specifically he looks at the funeral footage and notices that there’s no sadness on Hi-Soo’s face. While Soon-Hye has lost her appetite and mopes around wondering what to do, Butler Joo is absolutely famished. She quickly sits down when the coast is clear and begins scoffing her face with food. Meanwhile, Jin-Hee learns that her husband has been unfaithful, which explains why he wanted a divorce. When Jin-Hee realizes, she does her best to control her anger management issues. In fact, she doesn’t kick off. She sits down and talks things out rationally. Jin-Hee is going to reveal everything to her husband and in exchange, she can have Jung-Do. Well, Jin-hee does well for a while, Eventually she slaps her in the face and starts kicking off. Back at the villa, one of the helpers, Ms. Jang, finds phosphoric acid in Seong-Tae’s room. She contemplates just what this means and eventually brings it to Seo-Hyun. It turns out Seong-Tae was looking up all of this on his mobile and seemingly scheming something. Butler Joo tells Seo-Hyun she needs to bring this to the police. Meanwhile, Hye-Jin arrives and takes another helper aside. It turns out Ji-Yong asked for a heavy dose of sleeping pills on the night of his  murder. He also didn’t mind if was a lethal amount either. This seems to back up the idea of this being a suicide. Well, eventually Kyung-Hye confronts Joo over Seong-Tae and how she things he’s responsible. Seo-Hyun decides to take the upper-hand and confronts the workers, telling them to sort out the bottles and “take care” of them. She also reminds them to read their contracts. While Hye-Jin speaks to Hi-Soo, admitting she knows she’s putting on an act, Mother Emma is interviewed. It turns out she confronted Ji-Yong on the night before his death and told him to turn himself in. Well, that morning he actually phoned her and mentioned: “It’s all over. I’m going to leave.” She was told by someone that evening that Ji-Yong would be at Cadenza but we don’t find out who. Seong-Tae rings Baek Dong-Hun while the latter is driving and admits that he didn’t kill Ji-Yong. He “just opened the door to the bunker for him.” Who could the “he” be referencing? Well, Hi-Soo confirms that she does have her memories back, as she sits with Seo-Hyun and serves her the same tea they had that first time they met. Hi-Soo is leaving and so too are Hye-Jin and Ha-Joon, the latter pair going abroad. While Hi-Soo is taken to the bunker, Baek Dong-Hun shows up to check out the bunker. With 2 hours still to go until the investigation is wrapped up, he’s determined to find out the truth. While this is going on Butler Joo tries to leave the mansion with a heavy suitcase. Inside the bunker, he finds Hi-Soo sitting in a rocking chair. He outright asks if she killed Ji-Yong – which she agrees to. She also confirms her amnesia makes her unreliable and an improbable culprit. When he leaves, Hi-Soo looks at a portrait of Ji-Yong and remains teary-eyed.

The Episode Review

So who did kill Ji-Yong? Now, one would assume it’s going to be Hi-Soo, Seo-Hyun or Butler Joo but to be honest, Seong-Tae’s statement seems like it’s the most telling. He mentioned he let “him” inside, which seems to hint toward the killer being a male. Given how skittish and nervous he’s been, could it be Jin-Ho? He had a lot of reasons to kill Ji-Yong and his motivations are probably stronger than most. Either way, this episode does a great job showing how far some of these characters have come. Soon-Hye doesn’t go into her crazy shouting and she’s not even able to eat either. By comparison, Joo absolutely can. She’s been acting very on-edge and her eating could also be a sign of guilt. So far the show has done a great job masking the true killer and tomorrow’s conclusive chapter should be a fascinating and exciting finish to the tale.