The Final Phase

Episode 11 of Money Heist: Korea starts with the Professor updating the group on the plan. They intend to move the money out on a truck but use the sewer system and the Summit to their advantage. Security is likely to be worse in regions outside where the Summit is being kept and there’s likely to be an uprising in the square with those believing the politicians are the real crooks dead-set on taking them out. A worst case scenario plays out through Rio’s mind, believing this plan is suicide and they’re risking it all for something that could go seriously wrong. The fact that the Summit has been moved up, coupled with their escape route being a point of contention, throws Rio into doubting the entire plan. He brings up the Professor hiding the truth about his ties to Berlin and Oslo’s death too, reiterating that these instances were not part of the original plan. Denver learns that his dad has been shot and the whole place gets thrown into chaos. Of course, outside the Mint things are made even worse by the fact Captain Cha is taken to the hospital and Woo-Jin is now aware of who the Professor is too. Everything looks set to come undone at any moment. Berlin asks the officials outside for medical help, pointing out that there’s another injured person inside. Sangman believes it’s a tactic to buy them time but contemplates whether they can use this to their advantage. Even so, the summit is moved up a day just as the group predicted. The Professor arrives to pick up Woo-Jin, who claims that her car has broken down. She want to get a lift to the hospital, revealing that she’s about to check on Captain Cha. A big game of chicken ensues, as Woo-Jin convinces the Professor to head in to see the Captain with her, who’s still unconscious when they arrive. Woo-Jin leaves the Professor alone in the same room, knowing exactly hat she’s doing and eventually slips a tracker on the Professor whilst hugging him. When they follow the tracker, they find the car empty and the Professor gone. The police launch an assault on the abandoned office building, checking through every single room to try and find him. Instead, they discover the GPS tracker and the jacket on the back of a chair. As we know, the Professor doesn’t act alone and he learned the truth from Seoul about him being tracked. Inside the Mint, Moscow is fading but he speaks to Mi-Sun, who points out about her past and how she feels sincerely bout Denver. Moscow warns her though that this is a slippery path to take, given eventually he’ll slip into his old ways and she too will be labelled as a criminal. Mi-Sun catches up with Denver just as he and Helsinki manage to dig the tunnel through to see light on the other side. Unfortunately, it’s too late for Moscow who ends up passing away. Denver is there to see his father’s last words but it’s a somber moment. Still, the tunnel is dug and it all comes down to this final phase of the plan. They’re all intent on getting out and with time of the essence, Pyeonghwa Hotel has a whole rabble of angry protestors outside, calling out Kim Sangman as a traitor and aligning with the rebels. While the Summit gets underway, Woo-Jin shows up as expected to confront the Professor. He admits to who he is and what he’s really doing, bringing up that unification was all about profit and that’s been their plan all along. He’s only taking what’s rightfully theirs, convinced that if people check the serial numbers they’ll know that he’s right. When Woojin lets her guard down, the Professor grabs the gun and fires.

The Episode Review

The penultimate episode to part 2 sees lots of revelations and the entire plan now resting on the hopes of various individuals playing their parts. With so much blood and death already, will these guys make it out of there alive? Anyone who has watched the Spanish version will already know the answer to that but it remains to be seen whether this one will actually do something different and deviate with the main narrative. All season long we’ve been saying that there are glimmers that it will, but it feels more like wishful thinking at this point!