
Episode 7 of Move to Heaven wastes absolutely no time getting right to the heart of the drama. Sang-Koo races through the streets, charging up to the hospital as fast as he can. When he gets there, he learns that Soo-Cheol is not in a good way and he fainted. He may have to undergo surgery too. Sang-Koo is determined not to let go so soon and heads back to Geu-Roo’s, determined to rustle up the money needed to pay for the surgery. He finds the property registration forms and races outside, casting a glance at Jeong-U’s photo and claiming they’re even now. With him gone, Na-Moo speaks to Geu-Roo, trying to gauge whether his Uncle is actually good or evil. Well, he may have good intentions but clearly there’s evil in him too. Now we cut back 10 years back to see Sang-Koo getting involved with Soo-Cheol, who’s in the middle of being bullied when they first cross paths. Sang-Koo got involved and stopped the boy from jumping and committing suicide, slapping the other boys down with one hand. This is what entices Soo-Cheol to get involved with boxing. Sang-Koo’s act of compassion brings the boy into the gym. What begins as a simple student/teacher relationship soon blossoms into brotherhood. The pair exercise and work out together, where Soo-Jin arrives to see them getting along really well too. She happens to be Soo-Cheol’s sister. In fact, this whole endeavour brought Soo-Cheol into the boxing ring originally, which in turn is what lead to their devastation. Sang-Koo is not ready to let go and heads back to the promoter, being given the money for the surgery and pins it all on one game. Without much of a choice, he signs the forms and arrives with the money ready for the surgery. Only, he’s too late. Soo-Cheol passed away in the time that Sang-Koo was gone. The pair are distraught, and now it falls to Soo-Cheol to do what Geu-Roo has been doing all season long. He begins emptying out Soo-Cheol’s belongings, including photos, trophies and even medical documents confirming a diagnosis of Chronic traumatic encephalopathy – or CTE to be precise. For those unaware, this occurs from multiple blows to the head – and also what led to Soo-Cheol deciding to quit boxing. However, they’re both involved in a fight against one another before they hang up the boxing gloves. It’s a cruel turn of events, one orchestrated by the promoter whom we soon learn is called Madam. Anyway, Soo-Cheol claimed he was there to “make money for his new business” which, of course, as we now know was actually to pay for his medical bills. Soo-Cheol and Sang-Koo fight in this sick and twisted game, orchestrated by the promoter. She watches from afar while Jeong-U happens to be in the crowd. The anger Sang-Koo feels culminates in one final blow to Soo-Cheol’s face, where he falls down and never gets back up. Sang-Koo is beside himself with guilt-ridden grief when he sees this and calls out for his friend. This is what’s been eating away at Sang-Koo all this time, and now it makes sense why he’s been so desperate to keep Soo-Cheol alive. While he’s clearing out the room, he sees a business card for Move to Heaven, with instruction for Jeong-U to show up and be there.

The Episode Review

Everything is connected, and this episode really hammers home the heavy weight hanging over Sang-Koo’s shoulders. The guilt he must have felt from hurting his own brother like that, only to then be given a further gut punch when he finds out about the CTE really does affect Sang-Koo quite badly. While deplorable, Sang-Koo’s actions are far more easy to understand and the guilt he’s felt off the back of the issues with his former brother are enough for him to put up high defences and a brash attitude. The decision for him to be the one in charge of emptying out Soo-Cheol’s belongings is such a poetic moment, and this episode absolutely belongs to Sang-Koo. This beautifully written chapter may not have the waterworks like some of the other episodes, but it’s no less heart wrenching. The ending with the business card certainly sets the scene for drama to ensue going forward, and quite how Sang-Koo will react to that remains to be seen.