The Scarecrow

Episode 11 of My Liberation Notes opens with the main drama revolving around Mr Gu’s car. After handing it over to Chang-Hee to use last episode, his friends wonder just what Gu used to do for a living. “Mi-Jeong’s really struck gold hasn’t she?” One of them marvels. Mi-Jeong refuses to be driven into the big city but Gi-Jeong jumps at the chance. With knowledge of Gu’s money, she actually asks (see: demands) Mi-Jeong for some cash. She remains quiet, and we know how she feels about her sister. Mi-Jeong is well-equipped to deal with this sort of abuse, especially at work where her boss comments on how heavy her trousers are. It’s hot and Mi-Jeong feels like she’s going to pass out, and these sort of snidey comments from her boss aren’t helping matters. In fact, in the elevator on the way out he even scoffs at the notion of her liberation club. He wants to start a marathon club and unashamedly starts chatting up one of Mi-Jeong’s co-workers, suggesting she join. Mi-Jeong vents to Mr Gu, who suggests she should invite her boss over to work in the fields. Gu chuckles at the thought of the guy being so out of his depth. As the night wears on, he opens the window and embraces the cool breeze. The night paves way for some really interesting existential questions too, evidenced by Mi-Jeong as she heads out with Gu that night into the fields. There’s a really beautiful analogy involving scarecrows and the meaning of life, which I won’t write out as it’s so poetic to listen to. Alone though, the pair eventually do kiss. Woohoo! It also sees pure butterflies for Mi-Jeong, who heads home to do her hair and try to get some sleep. Meanwhile, Chang-Hee finds himself out drinking with Hyeong-A, who happens to have 500 million won in her account – making a big point in showing him. He’s certainly taken aback by that and ends up drinking so much that he throws up. It’s an uncomfortable experience for him all round, between the loud music and the expensive alcohol, admitting to her in the taxi that he doesn’t enjoy all the same things she does. Over at Mr Gu’s place, Gu notices several men arrive and approach his house that night. He hides behind the curtain when they circle the place, eventually leaving. However, they do place a bug under the Sangpo van. Gu tries to remove it without being seen but is unable to do so, as Mi-Jeong’s father appears in the morning. At work, Gi-Jeong has a bit of a breakthrough as she talks through how she feels about Tae-Hun with her boss. She heads over to see her crush as the pair go for their scheduled dinner. Unfortunately Tae-Hun is forced to move his car but parking is a nightmare. As a result, he’s forced to leave his car in a paid parking lot, phones Gyeong-Seon to come pick it up, and comes running back to the restaurant. In doing so, he’s sweaty, out of breath and struggling to compose himself. Gi-Jeong tells him to take a minute, as he eventually manages to calm – and he even turns his phone off to. While they grow closer together, Park Jin-U picks up his girlfriend but she doesn’t seem interested. He wants to spend time together and go and visit the suspension bridge but she’s too busy studying and meeting friends. Apparently she’s keeping an eye on him, claiming that she’s heard rumours that he’s a player. Upon hearing this, Park decides to break up with his partner, partly thanks to Gu-Jeong’s words at the office. The date goes really well, with the pair laughing and joking together. That is, until Cho Gyeong-Seon comes swaggering in. Tae-Hun tries to stifle his anger and tells her to leave. Eventually she does just that, but Gi-Jeong is undoubtedly uncomfortable. Thankfully Tae-Hun picks up where they left off and manages to ease things back into positive vibes. A big theme this episode has been about loneliness and how it can bring your true self out. That much is especially true with Chang-Hee. Since driving his car and having time to himself, he’s become much more gentler and calmer, being able to reflect on his life and become more level-headed. When his ex finds out, she’s certainly taken aback by his maturity. Meanwhile, Gu keeps an eye on the people after him, eventually blindsiding the goons in the parking lot. Initially he thought they were Baek’s men but actually, they’re working for Chairman Shin. He leaves willingly and sits with the chairman in the backseat of his car. Shin wants Gu to come back but he refuses, telling the boss he needs more time. Gu doesn’t tell him that it’s because of Mi-Jeong. “I worship you.” Gu says later on that day to Mi-Jeong, as he sits with her by the shore With the sun beaming on their faces, the episode comes to a close.

The Episode Review

My Liberation Notes may be quiet and tranquil at times, but its themes and ideas practically scream out in triumph. The metaphor involving the scarecrow is absolutely beautiful, as are the ideas about self-reflection, existentialism and how loneliness can help you gain some perspective. Interestingly, the most active time for big, life-affirming questions is between 1am-3am, the time when most people are asleep and we’re surrounded by silence. This K-drama does a wonderful job bringing that to life in a way that feels raw and authentic. This episode we’re given a lot to chew over, including the beautiful date between Tae-Hun and Gi-Jeong. The pair navigate through their uncomfortable and uneasy first impressions to finally start to hit it off. It’s also interesting to see how Gi-Jeong’s words have had an impact on her boss too, who makes big changes in his life. Chang-Hee has been an interesting case study in “sometimes money can’t buy you happiness” and I know that’s a cliché but it does kind of ring true a bit. Of course we’d all rather be crying in our gold mansions than euphoric while sleeping in a cardboard box outside, but true happiness can’t really be gained through “things.” The club scene is especially apparent of that, with A-Reum surrounding herself with material things to make herself feel good. That’s before even mentioning Mi-Jeong who’s the anchor that holds everything together. With all this in mind, My Liberation Notes bows out with another very, very good episode, one that has plenty to offer. Is this the best K-drama of 2022 so far? It’s certainly looking that way!