Change of Venue

Episode 3 of Partner Track starts with Ingrid waking up at Nick’s place. Two weeks have passed and the pair are getting on like a house on fire, sharing dates and hanging out. Unfortunately, all that time away from her own apartment ends in disaster. Lina has trashed the place. When Ingrid heads home, Lina believes she’s hiding Nick away, before going on to call him “the whitest white boy that ever did white.” Now, Ingrid’s ties with Nick have made the news but that’s not the big drama here. The ongoing issue with Sun Corp is. Marty brings Ingrid back into his office. Ted is getting cold feet and believes Min are going to pull out. So naturally, Ingrid is sent out to see the CEO with Murphy. On the way, Ingrid has Murphy read out about Bradburn Energy while she drives. Of course, Nick rings and the whole affair is dreadfully awkward, especially as Jeff keeps interjecting in the conversation. Meanwhile, Rachel has dived off the deep-end following Gigi’s death, deciding to live in the moment. She’s been drinking and having wild nights – but of course she’s still working hard too. Grammy’s kids are still hassling her over the inheritance and the death certificate appears to have been delayed too. This case hits home for Rachel, who begins to question her own life choices. After an eventful and eye-opening moment with Wujay, she decides to get her life back on track. The Luxe deal is still big drama for Tyler, who teams up with Dan this episode. Tyler immediately despairs over the latter’s fashion sense. Still, he gets changed and it seems to work… for a bit. Tyler speaks to Valdo, who make a big scene and decide to sue Luxe. However, Tyler has more than enough to get them in trouble, given they’ve vandalized the office with graffiti. Raymond doesn’t see it that way when he finds out, and heaps even more pressure on Tyler to get this done. Over at Min Energy, Ingrid heads in alone and speaks to Carter Min. Carter reveals that his brother Z is something of an eco warrior and it appears he’s been sabotaging Min Energy’s progress. After sending Ingrid the details, he encourages her to speak to him personally. Now, it turns out Z is opposed to this deal with Lassiter because of his dinosaur approach to renewable energy. The man has blocked renewable energy at every conceivable point and Z has seen through this proposal and knows he’s just there for the oil reserves. As a result, Z believes Bradburn is a better fit. Ingrid is not happy and speaks her mind, bringing up that the Sun Corp deal could actually make a real difference if he actually worked to change things from the inside. Defeated, Ingrid walks back to the car. It turns out Murphy has forgotten to charge the car and it’s completely dead. Unfortunately, this comes right on the eve of a big dinner with her folks. Jeff decides to stay with the car while Ingrid phones Nick and has him pick her up. On the way, Marty rings with good news. It turns out the pitch actually worked and Ingrid has saved the deal. As a result Ingrid decides to bring Nick along to the big family dinner, which she’s thankfully not too late for. Things go well for a while… until Lina completely changes the mood and brings up that she’s dropped out of school. The night goes well… until Ingrid heads home. Lina has completely trashed her apartment, with the dishwasher having leaked all over the floor and the cooker a charred, burnt mess. With nowhere else to go, and repairs of up to 4-6 weeks, Nick suggests she come and stay with him.

The Episode Review

Nick is such a good guy, which makes the fact we could be looking at Ingrid choosing Jeff over him in the future all the more annoying. The pair have great chemistry together but the inevitable “bad boy” charm could be too much for Ingrid. We’ll have to wait and see. Beyond that, the Sun Corp Deal continues to be the main crux of drama with the law firm, while both Rachel and Tyler have their own cases to handle. This helps to tie everything together and there’s actually a pretty nice balance between the main ensemble. There’s definitely a guilty pleasure element with this one that makes it very moreish. The ending certainly hints that we’ve got more drama and romance to come, and with all episodes dropping today, thankfully we don’t have to wait too long to find out what happens next!