
Episode 7 of Record Of Youth begins with Jeong-Ha continuing to remain cheerful and positive despite Jin-Ju’s insistence that she focus on work. The Director calls Jeong-Ha in and discusses her work schedule – specifically telling her to do better. As Jin-Ju starts doing I-Yeong’s make-up, Jeong-Ha heads off and meets Min-Jae at Subway. Together they discuss her dating Hye-Jun and what that means for the future. Back home, Jeong-Ha makes a gift for Hye-Jun but suddenly receives a call from Hye-Jun. This catches us up with the previous episode where Jeong-Ha met up with Hye-Jun knowing he was feeling glum. Some of those feelings stem from the past where her family helped teach a valuable lesson in tough love. As she drives off with Hye-Jun, we catch up with their big kiss last episode. The two start getting on really well, dancing and singing together while continuing to kiss. While they kiss under the stars, Min-Ki returns home and brushes off the help from his family. Yeong-Nam intentionally leaves Min-Ki’s catalogue out for Gyeong-Jun and Ae-Suk to see and they comment on his upcoming career. Min-Ki and Yeong-Nam eventually come to blows over the modeling gig. In the wake of this, Yeong-Nam demands Ae-Suk ring Hye-Jun, especially after slapping him in the face. She pushes back though, telling him to head out and find Hye-Jun himself after admitting that their son has been rejected from that drama. In the morning, I-Yeong finds herself on the golf course and confronted by Tae-Su. In the past she told him to leave and cut Hae-Hyo from his line-up but now this man’s pretty successful. Tae-Su confronts her at the golf course and encourages Park Do-Ha to say hi too. In the wake of this reunion, Tae-Su fails to offer any encouraging words to his client and tells him to resolve his social media scandals. Do-Ha bites back though, telling his manager he’s frustrating and annoying. On the back of the meeting, I-Yeong phones Hae-Hyo and asks whether he wants to be part of the same drama Hye-Jun is in. After agreeing that he does, I-Yeong tells him she’ll do what she can. At the same time, Min-Jae receives a call from “superstar Hye-Jun” and the duo have drinks. There, Min-Jae admits that she’s managed to bag him a new gig, this time for someone who looks good but doesn’t have much acting experience. This is perfect for Hye-Jun, who thanks her and hurries off to prepare for the audition. Back at home, Gyeong-Jun starts packing his things up and leaves home. Only, when he arrives at the apartment it turns out he’s actually been scammed. The card he has for the apartment doesn’t work and the number for the realtor has been disconnected. With all the paperwork in hand, Gyeong-Jun heads to the police station to try and work out what’s happened. Unfortunately there’s not much hope for him getting the deposit back now and he’s been well and truly scammed. Jeong-Ha speaks to Su-Bin and asks her to tell the truth surrounding how people feel about her at work. She reassures the girl that people just have the wrong idea and wishes her luck. As Jeong-Ha heads out for her job on set, she receives an email offering her a partnership on a new job. Instead of being driven home by Hae-Hyo, she decides to leave on her own. Hae-Hyo races after her though and breathlessly says good night to her. Unfortunately he doesn’t have the courage to say what he really wants to say. While Hye-Jun and Gyeong-Nam head back home, Ae-Suk and Min-Ki discuss his modelling. In particular, Ae-Suk comments on how hard his standing-up-straight gig actually is. Outside, Hye-Jun returns with Gyeong-Jun who’s a mess after being scammed. At the audition, Min-Jae tries to keep her cool in the wake of learning Hye-Jun’s role here is much bigger than she initially thought. The drama is a medical series called Gateway and he could be playing a first-year intern. Things are definitely looking up for Hye-Jun but first he needs to nail the audition. Elsewhere, Jeong-Ha heads off for her interview surrounding her vlog with the interview praising her for how she’s intent on helping others rather than trying to make a profit. While the kids start to move forward with their careers, Ae-Suk heads out with her husband. She puts on a brave face in the wake of their work friends commenting on how unfortunate Gyeong-Jun was with his scam. Elsewhere, Jin-U and Hae-Hyo wait for Hye-Jun’s arrival. Cryptically, Jin-U reveals that he and Hae-Na have broken up. As he walks away, Min-Jae receives a big call that Hye-Jun has got the role in Gateway. Hye-Jun walks away happily and meets up with Jeong-Ha. He breaks the good news to her that he got the role. As she calls him cheetah again, they head off round the block together. Cutting forward, we catch a glimpse of Hye-Jun’s time on-set as he struggles with the medical lingo. Thankfully his co-worker gives some words of wisdom and encourages him not to be so lame. As the next scene plays out, everyone seems to notice Hye-Jun’s big gig on Gateway – including Tae-Su who realizes that he may be a big deal now.

The Episode Review

Record Of Youth is a proper slice of life melodrama. It’s a light, breezy series about following your dreams that seems to be intentionally slow paced. The problem with that though comes from some of the scenes that really do drag on longer than they should. Some of that slow pacing comes at the fault of the camera work, with shots lingering on far longer than they should. Do we need to see Hye-Jun removing every case from his car and walking up to an apartment? Or Ae-Suk and Yeong-Nam walking hand in hand away from a restaurant and up every stair? Probably not. But you’re definitely getting that here. It’s not a deal breaker but it is something to bear in mind. While this isn’t the best drama, it’s good enough to enjoy as something light and easy. Hye-Jun and Jeong-Ha do make a good couple though but it’s obvious Hae-Hyo wants in on some of that action. Could that lead to some messy melodrama ahead? We’ll have to wait and see!