How is Rocky vs. Creed set up?

In 1975 Philadelphia, cocky heavyweight boxing World Champion, Apollo Creed, proposes a title match. A professional boxer, Mac Lee Green is scheduled to be his opponent for the title bout. However, Creed is soon informed that Green has pulled out due to injury. When he finds no reputed replacement for Green, Apollo announces his plans to give the title shot to a local boxer with no resume. Consequently, he selects Rocky.

Who is Rocky Balboa?

Rocky is an Italian American amateur southpaw boxer – who is passionate about boxing but has never had a moment in the spotlight. He works as a collector for a loan shark as well as occasionally fighting in small gyms. Initially, Rocky didn’t want to fight Creed. However, when he learns that the match is paying out $150,000  -a life-changing amount of money for him – it changes his career and life forever. And he kicks off reckless training which includes single-handed push-ups, punching meat, and many more unorthodox methods. Rocky gets help in training from former bantamweight fighter, Mickey Goldmill.

How does Rocky meet Adrian?

While training, Rocky begins a romantic relationship with Adrian Pennino (Talia Shire), a part-time worker at a pet shop. Adrian doesn’t care about boxing, but she is supportive of Rocky. In addition, Rocky’s best friend and Adrian’s brother, Paulie, offers to be the corner man for the match. While everything seems set, Rocky starts losing confidence before the match. In one instance, he confesses to Adrian that he might not have what it takes to defeat Creed, however, he will deliver his best.

Who wins out of Apollo and Rocky?

In the ring, Apollo Creed has no doubt whatsoever he will emerge victorious. To everybody’s surprise, however, Rocky knocks down Creed in the first round. Creed immediately realizes Rocky is not one to toy with and gets serious in his standpoint about him. Creed definitely has superior skills to Rocky, but Rocky’s tolerance is indomitable. No matter what Creed throws at him, he has the answer to everything. By the last round, both the combatants have sustained serious injuries, but they still show no signs of stopping. As the final bell rings, both fighters embrace each other out of respect and promise there will never be a rematch. Rocky calls for Adrian – who comes into the ring and embraces him. As they profess their love for each other, Creed is announced the winner by split decision. At this point, the outcome doesn’t make any difference to anyone.

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