Never Give Up

Episode 14 of Run On begins with Seon-Gyeom holding Mi-Joo and pleading with her not to let him go. She eventually turns around and hugs him, telling Seon-Gyeom it’s okay if he cries. After composing himself, Seon-Gyeom admits that he’s a little embarrassed that Mi-Joo saw him in this state. After discussing the Su-Bin situation, Seon-Gyeom tells Mi-Joo he was worried that she would leave him forever. He promises to do better in the future and do his best to stop anyone coming between them. Of course, this is a direct reference to his meddling Father. Well, Mi-Joo invites him over to her place but things are awkward, to say the least. They share a bed together and eventually, after a large bout of silence, discuss their future. She asks who will live with her forever, prompting Seon-Gyeom to incorrectly answer himself. She chuckles, correcting him and saying it’s actually herself. They talk openly and she tells him to love himself more. If he can do that while maintaining a healthy bond with her then the pair will have a good relationship going forward. When she asks for a kiss… he instead talks about food to lighten the mood. Eventually though the pair finally kiss passionately while lying in bed. The next shot is of the sign on Mi-Joo’s door reading “No Minors” so I think we can all guess what this is implying! While their relationship thrives, Assemblyman Ki and Yook Ji-Woo come to blows as the former claims Ji-Woo should be his first lady. She bites back though and warns him not to pigeon-hole her. After all, she’s always been the star of the show and even contemplates the idea of divorce. As soon as she says the words though, he looks set to strike her in the face. Thankfully he doesn’t but it’s clear she’s slightly rattled by this. Meanwhile, Yeong-Hwa deliberates over the best way to apologize to Dan-A, After the disastrous birthday celebrations, he worries she won’t respond well. After sending a picture of a painting over and receiving a blunt reply, Yeong-Hwa continues to paint and try to impress his lady. Back home, Mi-Joo settles in to translate the movie ‘Code Name Candy’ but Dan-A rocks up to talk. In another of these stylish throwbacks, Dan-A and Mi-Joo discuss the former’s irritation and annoyance that Yeong-Hwa organized a party for her. Mi-Joo tells her to apologize but Dan-A doesn’t know how. After a heavy night drinking, Dan-A and Mi-Joo both show up at his hometown. It turns out Yeong-Hwa’s Mum was stung by a bee and on the back of this, he rushed back to help. Hilariously, it turns out Dan-A actually dressed Mi-Joo and brought her along for the ride without her knowledge. Thankfully though, she packed her script and laptop so she can at least work, which is something! Dan-A eventually heads out alone with Yeong-Hwa as they walk around his childhood town. She outright asks whether they should get a room for the night, which certainly takes him by surprise. However, he certainly doesn’t say no to this request. Seon-Gyeom continues to try and find a way for Woo-Sik’s career to excel. Unfortunately, the whistleblower allegation continues to hold him back. With Assemblyman Ki a possible option, Seon-Gyeom is loathe to use his family contacts to better his prospects. Well, not long after he’s given the lucrative option of joining Dann Agency again. Only, instead of an athlete he’d actually be working as an agent. Thanks to Eun-Bi’s case of the yips, it could be a good opportunity to put his skills to the test. Seon-Gyeom agrees to think it over for now. Meanwhile, Seo Myeong-Pil is taken ill while Myeong-Min and Tae-Woong both show up to check on him. However, Myeong-Min hasn’t bothered to tell Dan-A about his condition. Even worse, he keeps Tae-Woong in check with threats around his illegitimate blood line. Yeong-Hwa eventually heads out by the shore with Dan-A to discuss their fortunes and how they feel about each other. It’s finally a moment for Dan-A to open up and as they head back to the hotel room together, they lie on the bed and embrace one another. Yeong-Hwa sings softly to her as she closes her eyes and lets herself feel comfort in his arms. The next day, Seon-Gyeom heads in to see his Father but he doesn’t want to see him. At least, not until Seon-Gyeom apologizes to the Chairman. Back at the office, Dan-A runs into trouble as press releases and rumours begin to circulate surrounding Eun-Bi having an affair. Dan-A remains determined to try and fix this though. The next day rolls round and everyone prepares for the charity run. Dan-A and Mi-Joo are both running but Seon-Gyeom receives an unexpected call from his Father asking to meet. It’s now or never. Seon-Gyeom eventually agrees to take his Father’s offer but there’s a catch. It turns out this apology is actally a disguise for Seon-Gyeom being paired up with Dan-A in a forced marriage to bring both families together. This is the only way he can get Woo-Sik to train which Ki calls his “final kindness.” While out running, Dan-A collapses and is taken to the medical tent by Yeong-Hwa. There, he learns she has tachycardia. This, as we soon learn, is the same condition that Tae-Woong had so it seems to be genetic. While they’re in the tent together, a struggling Mi-Joo continues on from behind, breathing heavily and struggling to run. Eventually she presses on and pushes through the pain, making it to the finish line. While everyone else has gone home and packed up, Seon-Gyeom has stuck around to see her.

The Episode Review

Run On returns this week with a really stylish episode, one that finally sees both our couples grow closer together. Everything is leading up to the final week where Seon-Gyeom needs to make his choice while Yeong-Hwa is set to unveil his painting to Dan-A. What will he paint for her? We’ll have to wait and see! Seon-Gyeom is finally given an option to allow Woo-Sik to be heard too but it unfortunately involves swallowing his pride and also losing Mi-Joo. What will Seon-Gyeom choose to do? It’s certainly a difficult choice for him, and one that looks set to consume Seon-Gyeom for the foreseeable future. It was certainly good to see Mi-Joo complete her marathon though and although Dan-A was taken ill, we did get to see more of the softer side of her personality too. The ending certainly hints at more drama to come though, leaving the door wide open for the final week.