Track Listing

Universe Stellar Addiction Astral Vampire Devastation Astral Vampire (Zardonic Remix)   The Eyes of Tomorrow is the latest LP from dubstep artist Demien Sixx. It’s a loud, aggressive, head-bopping treat that feels like it’s been ripped right from the depths of Doom Eternal’s soundtrack. This sci-fi dubstep album is the perfect ode to that prolific title and whether intentional or not, this album absolutely nails the the same feel and tone of Mick Gordon’s score. It’s a great way to welcome this dubstep artist back, wasting absolutely no time getting into the groove with ‘Universe’. It’s a clever track to open the album with, merging elements of sci-fi scoring with echoes of Infected Mushrooms’ vocal style. The track then flips the script and slams into a heavy-hitting bassline almost a minute into the track. The synth blends perfectly with the bass drums too, with just the right amount of distortion on the vocals to mix all three elements together harmoniously. ‘Stellar Addiction’ however, is pure, unadulterated Doom fodder. It’s a deliciously dark, twisted record that feels like it’s been collected from the depths of hell. If there’s one gripe with this record though it comes from the vocal mixing. Whether intentional or not, it’s quite difficult to decipher every lyric – especially when the bass drums kick in. ‘Astral Vampire’ suffers from this too, with the chords at the start of the track drowning out the bassy vocals. To make up for it though, ‘Astral Vampire’ takes another stab at your ear drums during the final track of the album within the Zardonic Remix. This track has much more of a “big room” appeal and feels more anthemic as a result. It’s actually a really clever way to close out the album too, finishing on a high and keeping the momentum going to the very last bass kick. Sandwiched in the middle of these two tracks is ‘Devastation’ which lives up to its name with some tight sound mixing and a seriously head-bopping bass. In fact, the twisting tempo really helps this one stand out and adds a slightly different flavour to this album. Despite only showcasing five tracks, The Eyes of Tomorrow certainly leaves a lasting impression. This gem does an excellent job blending sci-fi and dubstep together, delivering a loud, proud, monster of an LP. Aside from some vocal mixing issues, Demien Sixx’s latest LP is an excellent showcase of talent and certainly worth a listen.   You can stream The Eyes of Tomorrow on Spotify by clicking here!

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