Megan is reunited with Eli. Her elation is short-lived as Eli reveals to her that Bill had to sell the house to pay the legal bills for his trial. Bill is in fact called by Megan to meet her but the eventual meeting turns out to be beyond her expectations. Bill makes it clear that he cannot be seen with her. The FBI is scrutinizing his actions and has warned him against prosecution if he doesn’t disclose the fact that he met her. He asks her to drive away and phones the FBI. Max, who got hold of the Diazes’ laptop from their house, goes through its contents. The shocking details reveal that there is a larger conspiracy to link Cassie to potential political espionage with North Korea. Just as this news hits the viewer, another shocker comes in the form of the impersonator. She actually breaks into Cassie’s apartment. Her objective is to frame Cassie. To this end, she places the bloodied knife from the Echo Park killings from episode four on the top of a shelf in her living room. As she sniffs being caught, she takes out a knife, ready to immobilize Annie. Thankfully, she isn’t detected and leaves in time. There seems to be another intangible conspiracy going on in the CIA. Both Dot and Benjamin are gradually becoming adversaries and Cassie is caught in between. Her “rock and a hard place” situation isn’t helped by her wayward loyalties to both and casual attitude when it comes to perceiving the CIA’s omnipotent ability to alter life itself. This is even confirmed in the end when Shane reveals to Cassie that there is a “person of interest” notification on the CIA’s internal servers describing her physical appearance. Things in Cassie’s personal life aren’t going swimmingly either. After confessing to Davey about her raging drinking problem, she now has to confront her mother. The plan for the brother and sister is to clear out things from their childhood house and also for Cassie to get closure on the passing of her father. Cassie and her mother have a huge confrontation. And when I say no hold barred, I mean every last letter of it. The scene is set with accusations flying astray from both sides. They just keep on coming and with every new one, the impact factor is greater. This conversation – or lack of it – gives pertinent insights into Cassie’s chequered childhood and the dysfunctional Bowden household. The family dynamics are intervened by North Korean agents looking for Megan and arriving at Cassie’s childhood house. Davey and Cassie somehow make it out of the situation and take the flight back to LA.

“Brothers and Sisters” Ending Explained

Cassie is able to decode another View-Master slide. The slide is actually a boat’s registration number. She sends it to Shane who warns her to come to meet him before going to the Agency office to meet Dot. The number actually belongs to a boat owned or controlled by the CIA. We see Officer Jones walking on it. The blonde impersonator emerges from behind and shoots him dead. She then proceeds to take the gun and intends to kill everyone on the boat. This ending confirms the previous fears that the blonde impersonator has it out for the CIA and wants to pin the blame on Cassie. Because the View-Master belongs to her, the photos on it have also been taken by her. She was surveilling the analysts, Cassie, and the agents as well to chart her big conspiracy. There are still no clues as to who she is and what her motivations are. Her sweeping plan might just put Cassie in jail and make it impossible for her to prove her innocence. The Episode Review In terms of acting, episode six has been the best so far. This chapter was heavy on the drama and emotions. Kaley Cuoco’s monologue was exceptionally well performed. Just goes to show how well she can do both – drama and comedy. There were hardly any redeeming moments for those looking to have a relaxed episode either. Big confrontations and the urge to seek closure from Cassie and Megan overshadowed the story’s progression. There wasn’t much buildup to the last episode, except that the impersonator is now firmly in the driver’s seat as far as the plans to frame Cassie are concerned. It is heartening to see how well the second season has shown heart to try something new with the genre. Thus far, all episodes have cumulatively played the added political espionage/muddled agency behavior trope really well. Although more attention has been given to Cassie’s development and past life, the fabric isn’t distorted too much. This episode also establishes a contradiction in how Cassie’s character actually is and is perceived by us. The root of her problems started with her father initiating her drinking. They continued once he passed and the communication between her and her mother stopped. In many ways, Cassie is still living her old life. She hasn’t been able to shrug off the impact of her childhood vacuum in her life. A great way to honor a character’s true mettle!