On the other hand, Andrews gets a visit from his ex-wife Isabel. She wants him to operate on her patient, Jenna who is pregnant with sextuplets. The couple has been through a lot and finally conceived through IVF. Andrews decides to take the case and meets the couple to tell them about the surgery plan. The babies already have health complications and time is of the essence to ensure every baby has a chance at life. The surgery starts and every baby has a doctor assigned to them. Baby A has Asher and Jerome. Baby B has Reznick and Baby C has Park . Baby D has Shaun and Perez while Baby E has Glassman and Allen and Baby F has Lim and Powell. Lim performs a surgery while it’s still attached to the placenta to repair Baby F’s trachea and allow it to breathe on its own. Glassman also needs to perform surgery on Baby E to help stabilize her spinal cord immediately after birth. The birth is the easiest part, the real job is making sure each baby survives and they gauge that by their first cry. So far, only Baby  A is doing well and has been able to cry. Andrews suggests putting Baby B and C together and that means Reznick and Park have to be there together.  Baby D has a complication and Baby E  is looking weak after the spinal surgery and Glassman doesn’t think she will make it. Throughout the episode, each team works relentlessly to save their baby. For some like Shaun, the experience triggers emotions in him. He is hoping to be a dad himself and he admits to Perez that he is anxious about Lea’s upcoming appointment. The appointment doesn’t go well, sadly Lea might never be able to carry a pregnancy to full term. For Glassman and Allen, they are forced to think outside the box and do the impossible for the little girl. For Reznick, it strengthens her desire to be a mom. Park offers to be her sperm donor but after much thought, they decide it is not the best idea and Park offers to help her choose a sperm donor. Asher and Jerome question whether they want kids. Jerome wants a big family while Asher isn’t sure whether he will ever be ready for kids. He changes his mind when he sees Jerome holding the baby as he sings to it. I don’t blame him though, that scene can melt even the coldest of hearts! Jerome is so cool. On the other hand, Powell and Lim bond as they treat  Baby F and Lim even tells her about a date she might have with the guy she met at their basketball tournament. Powell plays cupid and gets the two to have an impromptu dinner and the date goes well. After numerous complications and emergency surgeries, the babies finally cry and the parents are ecstatic. Andrews is happy that they were able to save all the kids and so are the other doctors. It was not an easy feat but they pulled through it all. Shaun goes home and finds Lea crying, the news from the doctor hit her hard.

The Episode Review

It is sad that Shaun and Lea may not be able to have the family the way they had hoped. For Lea, this is extremely hard, especially after her miscarriage. It is not easy for Shaun as well but he is trying to keep it together for his wife. It is a crushing blow but there are still so many options they can resort to so all hope is not lost. It was a good thing that Reznick turned down Park’s offer to donate his sperm to her. I can’t imagine the fights they would have over the kid. They are just beginning to be friendly to each other after their intense breakup. It is possible that they still have feelings for each other but should they take this path again? On the other hand, Lim is getting her groove on and it is a good thing to see. She deserves it and let us cross our fingers and pray they last.

The Good Doctor   Season 6 Episode 7  Boys Don t Cry  Recap   Review - 34