Track List

Dare One Fever Babe, Can I Call? Flickin’ Your Hair NY To LA Lover Summer Mother Y.D.W.I.W.M.     Formed back n 2015, English rock group The Hunna return for their second studio allbum Dare. Resting on themes of love, loss and envy, Dare is a chaotic, emotionally charged journey that flits between slow and quick tempo tracks all whilst echoes of Kings Of Leon seeps into each track. While the album itself fails push any boundaries or touch on subjects that haven’t been sung about a million times before, The Hunna still manage to produce a decent collection of catchy, infectious records that are easy to nod along to and even more difficult to get out of your head. The album begins with two quick-tempo tracks, Dare and One. These two tracks in particular do well to set the tone and mood of the album with explicit lyrics “I F**king dare you” standing out as a nod toward the listening audience, daring us to keep journeying deeper into the band’s solidly composed and catchy tracks. From here, the album dips and rises, switching between slower, more melodic tracks and faster paced, anger-fuelled songs about loss, love and relationships. Late on, a particularly touching song called “Mother”, all about losing a parent, is a welcome addition and one of the more personal tracks in an album that otherwise manages to produce catchy records but little in the way of personalised, meaningful songs. After a couple of listens, Dare is definitely an album that grows on you. The songs all feel very mediocre and lacklustre the first time around and there aren’t really any defining tracks that stand out after the breathless, fast paced opening. While there’s unlikely to be much here that hasn’t been done better elsewhere, The Hunna still manage to produce a solidly composed track oozing in big-room guitar riffs that feel very reminisce of Kings Of Leon that flows through a lot of the records on the album. The vocals are generally very good too and as a personal highlight, Lover highlights this range perfectly, managing to hit the sweet spot between powerful vocals and potential mainstream appeal. Whether you’ll enjoy The Hunna’s album Dare really depends on whether you’re likely to give an album a second run through if the first time doesn’t particularly catch your ear. This is the sort of rock album that definitely benefits from doing that, with a lot of the tracks designed to be repeatedly played, relying heavily on infectiously catchy and memorable lyrics from a pure mainstream appeal rather than a meaningful emotional album. Still, Dare is a decent entry and certainly one of the better rock albums in the endless sea of music being released but whether this will stand the test of time is anyone’s guess. If you’re willing to give the songs a few runs though, you might just find yourself loving this album.

The Hunna   Dare Album Review   The Review Geek - 20