Fading Like A Flower

Back for another bite of supernatural detective work, The InBetween returns with another case, this time involving a serial killer and pink flowers. We begin the episode with Seattle practically in lock-down – an annual killer is on the loose again but this time Tom is determined to catch them. They don’t have to wait long for them to strike though, and Tom arrives at the first scene with a gagged family tied to chairs and brutally murdered. Unlike the other victims though, this time a pink petal is left at the scene – a crucial clue. As Cassie looks set to enjoy some delicious food at home, she puts her hands in water and sees visions of a woman drowning. At the bar she continues to work and runs into an old school friend, Melinda. After discussing high school together, we learn the real reason she’s there is to discuss her ability to contact the dead. As Melinda touches her arm, Cassie has visions of a car hitting a post. A car that happens to be housing Melinda’s fiance. Another detective joins the case this week, Danny, and together the trio learn the same weapon has been used across all murders. They also find a possible suspect – Clay Rollins. It turns out someone left pink flowers at Shelley’s desk and it certainly wasn’t Clay. As they continue to dig around, Tom learns that the victims may have been from the same support group. After getting nowhere with Melinda’s spirit situation, which leads Cassie to find her fiance stuck in a loop, Cassie sees visions of pink flowers raining from the sky. She tells Tom what she’s seen and he heads off to the station to follow up on the leads. A difficult conversation with Melinda then follows as Cassie explains to her that her dead fiance is in pain and stuck in a loop. Cassie suggests taking her ring off which may break the chain. Tom and Damien chase after a man named Wade, a flower worker who eventually tells them about a woman asking for him to deliver flowers. As they piece together the clues, the detectives learn that a woman named Lyla has a troubled past with her own failed wedding day pushing her over the edge. She’s going after newly weds. As the police begin tracking her down, Cassie has another vision of a red haired woman drowning her, further reinforcing that she’s the one responsible. The team rush to the scene of the crime and confront Lyla who holds another newly-wed couple at gunpoint. Thankfully, Damien sneaks in through the back and manages to stop her while Cassie heads back to the crime scene and realizes Melinda’s fiance is now free from the loop. With the case now saved, Cassie and Melinda discuss what happened. She thanks Cassie for her help and leaves as the detectives celebrate their big win, locking up the serial killer. Once again The InBetween delivers a pretty enjoyable episode, continuing to blend the supernatural elements with the straightforward detective work. At times, the convenience of Cassie’s visions is a little distracting but with our medium given busy work to complete, distracting her from the case itself, it’s easy to look past this. While there’s little to suggest the overarching plot is moving forward with any haste, especially given the ominous promise that our infamous stalker may be crossing over from the inbetween, for now the show seems content with its case-of-the-week format. While the episode doesn’t quite hit the lofty heights achieved earlier this season, the episode is still a good one nonetheless but is unlikely to be one remembered long after the show finishes airing.