For Better or Worse

Episode 6 of The Resident season 6 starts with Kit and Randolph at their wedding rehearsal. She is interrupted by a call from the governor’s office. She is hoping they are calling to set a meeting to discuss the financial future of the hospital. Unfortunately, they called to tell her that the governor is unavailable. Kit fears that he doesn’t want to meet with her because he is planning to slash funding to public hospitals like Chastain. Randolph assures her they will figure it out after their wedding. Randolph also gets a call from a woman named Tracy, she is a prospective donor who can help keep the hospital afloat. Her daughter, Max is feeling sick and she is hoping Randolph will treat her. Randolph and Conrad head back to the hospital while Billie volunteers to watch the girls ( Sammie and Gigi ) and take them dress shopping. At the hospital, Conrad starts treatment on Max, he runs a few tests on her and realizes her liver is failing. Randolph informs Tracy that they might need to do a liver transplant. Tracy is taken aback by the severity of the issue. She decides that she needs to find another doctor for her daughter. She is afraid that Chastain is underfunded and might have messed up the diagnosis. This is something that happened to her before. Max was not born deaf, she lost her hearing after being misdiagnosed by a low-funded hospital. It is therefore understandable why she is wary if Chastain can offer the best for her daughter. She soon finds out that they are the best after learning that the best paediatric doctor, Dr Sullivan works at Chastain. Dr Sullivan takes charge of the case and Tracy decides that she will donate her liver to Max. Unfortunately, she has a heart condition and AJ is against the idea of her donating her liver at the moment. He suggests they first fix her heart problem before proceeding. They are hoping that Conrad will soon find out the cause of Max’s liver failure and won’t have to do the transplant. Sadly, Conrad can’t pinpoint the cause and they are forced to move ahead with the surgery. The surgery went well but of course, there were moments when they nearly lost the patients. Dr Sullivan in particular was not in his best form. He was out of his drugs and he shot himself up on other drugs just before the surgery. Thankfully, Leela was there to hold the fort and save the day. Randolph decides to stay back and be part of the surgery and he ends up being late for his own wedding. Luckily, Kit is an understanding woman and knows he is worth waiting for. She is also fighting her war on Twitter with the governor, to force him to schedule a meeting and discuss his plans to slush public hospital funding. The Twitter feud helps her get some attention from a local news station. She agrees to an interview and employs the help of Sammie’s adorable face to help save Chastain’s funding. In the end, the governor reaches out to set a meeting, the public pressure got too much Randolph manages to make it and  the wedding goes smoothly and we can’t help but cheer the couple on as they say “I do.” Even though Cade was looking forward to attending the wedding, she decides to stay back and look after Max until her mom wakes up. They bonded over sign language and she wants to be the one to assure Max that the surgery was a success and her mom is okay. Conrad ends up going to the wedding alone and he and Billie have a great time dancing. Conrad is grateful to Billie for always being there for him and Gigi and Billie quickly assure him that it is nothing. During the ride from her shopping spree with the girls, Gigi talked to Sammie about her mom and Cade. She wishes she remembers her mom but says that she doesn’t mind that Conrad is dating Cade. Billie was listening keenly to that conversation. I wish we knew how Gigi feels about Billie.

The Episode Review

I am reaching my limit with how slyly Sullivan is getting away with his drug addiction. It has been a series of close calls with him; every time he gets in an OR I feel anxious. It is like walking on a minefield, soon he will step on a bomb and explode. How is no one noticing that he is on drugs? I loved seeing Randolph and Kit finally tie the knot. Their vows were so beautiful and Wong’s singing was the icing at the top. It was perfection and they deserve this happy moment, they have been through a lot. Lastly, I know Conrad is a smart man so he probably knows that there is a spark between him and Billie. I know he is currently dating Cade but I think he and Billie would make an even better couple. What do you think, are you on team Billie or team Cade?

The Resident   Season 6 Episode 6  For Better or Worse  Recap   Review - 55