Choosing Sides

The Spanish Princess returns with episode 5, beginning with Harry having an argument with his Father about the recent announcement. However, the King’s Mother seems to think it’s a good idea while Lady Margaret tells Lina she is to marry Charles Brandon and for Rosa, both a Duke and a Baron will be offered. Lina explains that she thought she would have a choice, but she’s told that under Prince Arthur she would have, but she is the one deciding for them now. Lina and Rosa then go back to Catherine, with Lina unhappy given her love for Oviedo. Catherine tells her that she can’t be with Oviedo because he’s Muslim and not a Tudor man. She then goes on to tell her she wouldn’t be able to afford a family if she married Oviedo anyway. This leads Lina to begrudgingly breaks things off with Oviedo. Meanwhile, Richard goes to see his wife and tells her that Lady Margaret suspects treachery. Richard pleads with her to lie, suggesting she saw Arthur and Catherine sleep together but she refuses. Catherine herself then meets Harry where he tells her she has to refuse the union but, of course, she doesn’t have a choice, reminding him that you can’t defy the King. Speaking of which, the King himself organises a council meeting to talk about the upcoming threat. Harry attends it but tensions rise between him and his Father. Harry informs them that Edmond DeLa Pole is in London, which acts as a catalyst for the King’s anger. After informing them where Edmond was hiding, Lady Margaret becomes angry, humiliated at her inability to arrest Edmond given he had already gone, suggesting Harry could have told them sooner. Back in London, Catherine receives a letter from her Mum, giving her blessing to the marriage and news that her sister is not doing very well after the birth of her child. Catherine then meets with Harry after their earlier kiss and tells him she has chosen him. This prompts her to visit the King, telling him that if they were to wed, their children would not be heirs to the throne, Harry’s children would be. This effectively means that it wouldn’t secure the alliance and when the King passes away, Harry will be alone in Europe with no support from Spain. He then realizes that she wants to marry Harry but repeats what his wife said on her death bed. However, after some pursuasion, he finally agrees but only if her Mother sends them the dowry. Rosa then visits Edward and tells him she’s pregnant, promising to have an arrangement made for her and her future baby before the episode ends with Richard killed following an accident with his cart. Once again The Spanish Princess continues to weave a web of politically charged drama and romance. Of course, it won’t be for everyone and some of the melodrama may feel a little over the top at times, especially those expecting a grounded period piece. Still, the costume design is excellent and despite some initial issues with the subplot involving Lina and Oviedo, there’s enough here to make this an enjoyable drama nonetheless.