The Fakeer

Following on from the first episode, Typewriter returns for episode 2, one that manages to settle into a more consistent rhythm and start to find its groove. The episode itself begins with Anya noticing the words on the typewriter and immediately suspecting her brother is to blame. While everyone heads to work and school, the new maid Maria arrives to do her daily chores. She speaks to Jenny who is typing on the typewriter and as she heads upstairs to have shower, another Jenny walks through the front door scaring the maid away. Maria tries to run away but a possessed Jenny kills her using her supernatural powers. While Sam tells her friends that Doctor Spirit, a ghost specialist, is coming to town, Jenny calls her husband to talk about the death of their maid. After speaking to his wife, Peter meets with Anita, wife of the man Peter agreed a dodgy investment with. However, the deal went bust and it’s revealed that he slept with her. She is now back as her husband and wants his part of the money. Back at school, the kids talk about Maria’s death and how they want to see if they can find her ghost. They also discuss the book further and how the ghost of Sultanpore needed souls before the blood moon to become all powerful. Ravi and his partner investigate Maria’s death at the morgue and the doctor tells them that it looks like someone has squeezed her heart in their hand. This leads Ravi to visit Jenny to find out more about Maria. She doesn’t have much to tell him though, so she tells him about the owner of the bar who knew her Nanny. The old man from the boat, Moses, meets with Roy soon after. He gives him a voodoo-like doll called Fakeer to guard. Moses tells him that he doesn’t want to serve the Fakeer anymore, so Roy threatens him, telling him to wait for the blood moon. At the villa, Jenny looks through newspaper clippings and reads about the Fakeer who had supernatural powers. She then decides to visit James to help her find her Nanny. While everyone at the police station are busy trying to find the connection behind all the mysteries happening at the villa, the kids come up with a plan to leave school early to attend Maria’s funeral. Their plan is to change the time of the school clock which they narrowly manage to do. Back at the bar, James is greeted by Roy who talks to him about the Fakeer. He tells him that he’s waiting for the blood moon in the Bardez villa and asks if he can count on his loyalty. At the funeral, after the kids create chaos and get in trouble with the priest, James meets with Jenny and tells her that the Fakeer are trapped in an object in her house and that she must destroy it before the blood moon. Jenny then becomes possessed and tells James she has to kill him. She does so by squeezing his heart the same way she did with Maria, all the while witnessed by a scared and shocked Sameera. The second installment of Typewriter picks up the pace and adds some much needed urgency to the show. We find out a little bit more about the threat which is a welcome inclusion too and with the help of newspaper clippings and the presence of Amit, this helps it become a more prominent threat. There are some elements from Stranger Things bled into the show too, especially with the four kids. While it certainly doesn’t reach the same heights as Netflix’s juggernaut sci-fi series, Typewriter still manages to deliver the goods with another interesting and entertaining episode.