Described as legends, Unwritten Law has been around since the 90s, shaping their sound into a complex puzzle. The Hum is their record of truth and desire, and the band has thrown everything and the kitchen sink into this. Though that may sound like an overblown decision, some songs do offer much to like. By contrast, there are songs that seem overly polished, which in truth takes away the interest fast. The band is clearly adept at playing their instruments too, but on this release everything seems bloated. It might be that this band has stretched too far their sound and their lyrical forays. The Hum isn’t all bad, but it isn’t magical in any shape or form either. The words the band has chosen to use are somewhat hyperbolic, and quite frankly, cheesy. Though this is the case, the band is still good at what they do, and that’s playing well constructed guitar riffs. The guitar wonder keeps the album afloat. ‘Discordia’ starts the record off in fine fashion. The lyrics are rather intelligent, and the style is bountiful. It’s a pulsating beginning, and the chorus stands the test. ‘Magnetic’ opens with a rippling riff and the lyrics describe drunken nights. This is where the quality falls, as it doesn’t hold up to the opening track. ‘Dark Seas’ however, opens gracefully enough, though it delivers opaque lyrics. The backbeat is passable, but the band seems to have lost their way on this contribution. ‘Take Me’ spreads the acoustic chimes, and it’s a ballad birthing a great chorus. This song shows that Unwritten Law still has what it takes to write something memorable. The Hum has so many missteps, and some moments of clarity. It’s not Unwritten Law’s finest hour, but there are some good snippets amidst the clashing of styles.

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Unwritten Law   The Hum   Album Review   The Review Geek - 94