Russian Roulette

Episode 11 of Vincenzo begins with Vincenzo ringing the chairman at the underpass. He’s been led to believe that it’s Han-Seo and waits patiently for him to pick up the phone. However, it’s obviously Joon-Woo’s phone that rings but he manages to evade suspicion for now. Clutching his chest, he stops the phone from vibrating. Eventually Vincenzo and Cha-Young tell him to leave while they clean up the crime scene. Part of this includes Vincenzo taking the three gang members to an abandoned warehouse and interrogating them. He uses the exhaust fumes from the car to begin poisoning the air inside the car. Through this torturous method, the pair learn that these men are responsible for killing all the victims we’ve seen over the weeks, including the family last episode. On top of that, they also confirm that Han-Seo gave them orders but used a voice changer to do so. Fed up, Cha-Young eventually leaves them to their fate, poisoning then with the fumes and leaving their new lackeys to drop them in the lake. The pair head back to Vincenzo’s apartment and drink, reflecting on their evening. As they discuss the night’s events, Cha-Young realizes she needs to test whether she really has feelings for Vincenzo or not. Drunk, Cha-Young stumbles over and hugs Vincenzo awkwardly for 10 seconds. It’s a no-go, and Cha-Young decides she doesn’t have feelings for him. At the Plaza, the residents debate Vincenzo’s fighting power. While they do, Vincenzo himself visits his Mother in hospital. There, he admits the truth to her about exactly who he is. She’s shocked, with tears running down her face, as Vincenzo tells her to get better and not feel bad about the past.

Trouble brews at thee Plaza though when a whistle-blower has apparently claimed the temple isn’t holding services and is breaching its rights. At the same time, Vincenzo and Cha-Young are approached by Ms Seo who encourages them to come and play games with them. This week’s game happens to be Mafia. This obviously makes Vincenzo pretty uncomfortable but he agrees to play nonetheless. It’s pretty funny, especially given Vincenzo actually is selected as the mafia in the game. He keeps his cool and tells them he’s not, fighting for his position inside the game. Eventually this lads to them all drumming their hands against the table. However, the International Crimes Department show up with an arrest warrant for Vincenzo. They know he’s part of the consigliere and take him away. When they do, Cha-Young follows as his lawyer and Manager An hurries back to base to feed back the latest developments. While they leave, the truth surrounding Vincenzo’s upbringing causes all residents to begin worrying about what they’ve told him and how he’s reacted. Meanwhile, Joon-Woo starts to lose his temper. Han-Seo telling him he’s been thinking about their position is a step to far. In fact, Joon-Woo approaches him with a knife and threatens his brother. It’s a pretty tense moment, and one that eventually sees Joon-Woo walk away, giving his brother some respite. An manages to convince Director Tae to bring Vincenzo in and deal directly with him rather than the police. Director Tae eventually agrees, prompting An and the cleaner outside to celebrate. At the police station, Cha-Young plays her role as a lawyer well, brushing aside the photos and claiming there’s no evidence that these can be linked to Vincenzo. However, the police instead look at the idea of deportation, deciding they should take him back to Italy. Just before Vincenzo is prosecuted, Manager An shows up with his men. Sporting a warrant and a confident swagger, he escorts Vincenzo into his custody. When the Wusang Law Firm catch wind of Vincenzo being taken away, they wonder whether he’s a spy for the Intelligence agency or not. Meanwhile, Manager An decides to team up with Vincenzo, especially given the way he’s standing up to fight against evil. Vincenzo is not so sure this is a good idea but eventually agrees. One of An’s conditions happens to be hugging, which sees him launch himself at Vincenzo and embrace the man warmly. While they do, Vincenzo realizes that the photos were obtained by an informant. This brings Vincenzo into teaming up with An to find who this man is. If he can do that then it should lead them to the chairman and his real identity. With An ready to work with him, Vincenzo heads back to Geumga Plaza where the residents welcome him as Corn Salad Vincenzo. Awkwardly, Vincenzo corrects them and confirms that it’s consigliere. After this hilarious gag, things turn more sombre when the monks bring Vincenzo in to help. Thanks to defamation, they may actually be closed down. This, as we finally find out, is actually Mr Cho’s doing. Mi-Ri happens to be listening from the stairs while they discuss this, as Vincenzo tells him this isn’t a good idea. More bad news awaits Vincenzo, especially when the residents all pull him aside and let him in on the secret. They know about the gold bars and nonchalantly shrug off who the owner of it could be, claiming finders keepers. Thankfully Manager An has more news for them. They’ve got the report on Kim Sang-Yun, and realizes this 41 year old is now actually working as a weapon lobbyist. However, they’re interrupted by Joon-Woo ringing Cha-Young and asking to meet. He confirms that Babel aren’t compensating the victims. While she leaves to meet him, Vincenzo scoops up Sang-Yun and asks him who the chairman of Babel actually is. He refuses the proposal, claiming he’d only be dead in a week if he actually told him. Instead, Vincenzo decides to play a game of Russian Roulette, praying on that primal instinct of fear. Eventually this man gives up the name of Joon-Woo. Vincenzo eventually rings Cha-Young and lets her know, while she’s sat on the opposite side of the table to him. Cha-Young does well to keep her nerve though, as Joon-Woo eventually heads back to his apartment. There, Vincenzo happens to be waiting for him and holds a gun up to the man’s head. With everything caught on a tense knife-edge, he eventually tells Vincenzo to fire. As the screen fades to black, a gunshot ricochets out.

The Episode Review

Vincenzo returns this week with a brilliant episode, one that serves as a ticking countdown for Joon-Woo and Babel as the secrets are finally revealed and the globes are removed. The tense showdown at the end with Vincenzo and Joon-Woo was absolutely unnerving and quite what will happen tomorrow in the follow-up remains to be seen. The jokes this week were really well handled and actually channeled nicely into the overarching narrative. Manager An’s eccentric and flamboyant mannerisms for example, were on absolute fire this episode while his big reveal was a suitably clumsy but satisfying segment. Speaking of jokes, the corn salad gag is easily the best moment of the episode alongside the game of Russian roulette. Vincenzo is shaping up to be one of the best Korean dramas this year so far. With the secrets finally out and both Vincenzo and Joon-Woo ready to go to war, everything rests on tomorrow’s follow-up. It’s certainly looking like an unmissable chapter!