The Strawberry Cake

With more heartbreaking scenes and shocking reveals, When My Love Blooms returns with another decent and emotional episode. With the latest revelation brought to light, things are about to get even more dramatic for our main two characters and it will be interesting to see which direction the show will take. Episode 10 of When My Love Blooms picks up where it left off with Jae-Hyun comforting Ji-Soo in the train as she remembers the fateful day she lost her mother and sister. He holds her in his arms while she cries and tells him she can’t remember the last moment she saw them. In a flashback, we see Ji-Soo arriving at the hospital and finding her father kneeling down by his wife and daughter’s beds. Ji-Soo collapses in tears when she sees a bag with a squashed strawberry birthday cake they bought for her. Back in the present, she tells Jae-Hyun about the recurring dream she has been having of the day she left to meet him; she always goes back and tries to say goodbye but they never turn around. She tells Jae-Hyun she wished she could have said she loved them and thinks she hasn’t been able to move on since that day. Jae-Hyun reassures her though and tells her it is normal she is hurting because she misses them so much. At school, Jun-Seo hears rumours that his dad is having an affair with Young-Min’s mother. This causes him to run towards Young-Min and start beating him up. Young-Min doesn’t take it though and retaliates. As both parents arrive, they each go and see their kids. However both remain silent about the incident. In the principal’s office, the headteacher calls Jun Seo’s friends over who lie and tell them Young-Min is the one who started the fight and mention the rumour. A worried Ji-Soo heads back to the infirmary to talk to her son who asks her if the rumours are true. Ji-Soo replies that Jae-Hyun was her first love and promises to tell him everything. As we flashback to the past, we see Ji-Soo and her father grieving. The latter has trouble coping and takes it out on his daughter. Some time later, she meets with Young-Woo and tells him she won’t be coming back to college. Her father has been fired from his job due to bribery and she is worried that he is slowly dying. She later writes a letter for Jae-Hyun, thanking my him for all the lovely moments together and telling him she can now go on. After Jae-Hyun read the letter, he met with his friends to find out if they know where Ji-Soo is. No one knows though so Jae-Hyun vowed to look for her until he had to go back to his base. As we cut back to the present, we see that Jae-Hyun has been telling his son the whole story as well. He explains that he suffered afterwards worrying about her and hoping that she had lead a happy life. When they met again, he saw how much she was struggling so it pained him greatly. Jun-Seo mentions that he has his mum while Ji-Soo explains to her son that after that day, she didn’t think she deserved to be loved again. Jang San speaks to the headteacher on the phone who tells him that he made sure Young-Min is the one being blamed for the incident. On her way home, Ji-Soo finds out that her father has left the care home. Jae-Hyun helps her find him in hospital on the floor crying. He tells her that they were lucky that they found her mother and sister as many others weren’t able to recover the bodies of their loved ones during the tragedy. After taking her father back, Ji-Soo speaks to Jae-Hyun about her reasons for leaving him. She tells him that if she hadn’t met him that day, the tragedy wouldn’t have happened. She worried that she would have ended up resenting him and hated him even if she knew it wasn’t his fault. With this bombshell reveal, she tells him that they all need time to heal. The next day Ji-Soo and Young-Min find out that a violence committee will be held for the incident. This prompts both to visit the headteacher about it. Young-Min explains that Jun-Seo hit him first but that he retaliated so he knows it is wrong. Since the school hasn’t done anything for him after being bullied, he decides to leave. Seo-Kyeong finds out about it and relays the news to Jae-Hyun. She later decides to have lunch with Jae-Hyun’s mother to ask her to stop her son from leaving. When Jae-Hyun arrives home, his mother happens to be waiting for him to talk about what she discussed with Seo-Kyeong. She remembers how he lived after Ji-Soo left him and asks if he’d divorce his wife if they didn’t have a child together. Meanwhile, Ji-Soo gives a lesson to a little girl. One of her friends, Byeol, comes in and shows Ji-Soo that she is able to play even though she never had any lessons. Ji-Soo tells the girl she can come back at the same time each day and will let her play for free. On her way back from dropping her home, Ji-Soo sees a place for rent and seems to have an idea. The next day, Jae-Hyun meets with the prosecutors to discuss Hyuk-Soo’s suicide. He denies being involved but explains that there was an illegal destruction of the union conducted by the company. Se-Hoon later meets with Hyuk-Soo’s father and tells him that the prosecutors are not charging Jae-Hyun as they do not have enough evidence. Ji-Soo decides to visit Jang-San next to tell him she will not accept his blackmail and wants him to stop tailing her. She then calls Jae-Hyun and asks him to tell her the whole story behind Hyuk-Soo’s suicide, which he decides to do. While he was in the army, he got a call that his father committed suicide. He was falsely accused and had to betray his colleagues and destroy the union. He ended up being sued by everyone and was charged for illegal destruction of the labour union, which led to his suicide. After this reveal, the episode draws to a close. The latest episode of When My Love Blooms ended with quite the surprising twist regarding Jae-Hyun’s father. This was a really intriguing plot development and it left us wondering how long he has known and just what he is plotting to do against the company. There were many emotional scenes again in this chapter; poor Ji-Soo arrived in the hospital in 1995 to see both her mother and sister lifeless while realizing they were out shopping for her birthday. This was very harrowing and something she has been carrying with her ever since. In the present, Jun-Seo carries on tormenting poor Young-Min which got a lot worse with the rumours surrounding their parents. The obstacles for our main couple are getting more and more difficult and whether they will manage to fight them and carry on with their love story remains to be seen.   Published: 25 May 2020 at 9:01 pm on