Embracing the moment and grabbing the prize is a difficult thing to do when your mental health is debilitating and relentlessly intrusive. The world has become a grey place for people with these issues, and the colour that once was so vibrant has been drained. Music like this – music from Australia’s Yours Truly – isn’t a magical potion to fix the world or minds, but it’s a concoction of songs breaking down obscurities. The band do not hold back their feelings here. There are no egotistical themes either, and the act seems to be proud to exist in the music industry rather than sap it for all its worth. ‘And Is This What I Look Like?’ Is their EP propelling them to greater heights, and to the summit of their talents and dreams. It may sound like a cliché, but this outfit has what it takes, even though the voices in their heads may tell them otherwise. The EP challenges perception, too. Every moment is under a scope, and Yours Truly gives their all to the cause, enabling their music like a beacon of light. Although their music is somewhat pessimistic, this negativity doesn’t deter the interest, though. There are 7 songs here in total. ‘Bruises’ is a pop punk masterclass, and the band use every sinew of their talents on this one. The vocals are clear, and the riff pulsates. ‘Careless Kind’ evokes a sense of worry and the darkness shrouds out the light. The chorus bursts with intensity, and the rhythm is pleasing. ‘Hallucinate’ features pop punk royalty, You Me At Six. The chorus is a brilliant stab at rock and becomes a fresh revelation. Yours Truly ultimately storms through their unconventional world with a record that reveals all.

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Yours Truly   is this what I look like    Album Review - 49