The Turning Point

Episode 7 of Yumi’s Cells Season 2 starts with Yumi despairing over her continuing to fail her writing competitions. With Yumi almost out of money, she’s slipping and despairing about the direction of her life. It’s been a year since she quit her job and the Section Chief is curious over how she’s getting on. Well, it turns out she’s taken up a part-time role at the bookstore between writing competitions to try and get by. The eleventh contest is upcoming but this time it’s different. The teacher praises Yumi’s efforts before entering and that little burst of inspiration is enough to give our Yumi renewed spirit. It’s also the biggest competition that… Yumi fails again. Bobby has been promoted up to Team Leader and has moved to the Jeju brand. For now, they’re in a long distance relationship, which only exacerbates the feelings Yumi has. Thankfully, they’re on the verge of reuniting as Yumi has a trip to Jeju coming up. Yumi heads into Daehan Noodles where Section Chief Ju-Hyeok invites her in for a chat. Funnily enough, there’s actually a position opening up and he thinks she’d be great for it. Well, that sorts out Yumi’s money problems; she’s going back to work! After buying herself some clothes, Yumi’s world comes crashing down when the Section Chief rings back. It turns out the Department Head already had plans for someone in mind. Yumi’s perseverance pays off as she receives an important text. Julie Literature’s Editor-In-Chief, Ahn Dae-Yeong messages and reveals that her story left a deep impression on him. He wants to publish her story. It’s a big turning point in her life and from here on out it seems things are looking up. Yi-Da and Ruby also head out to visit Yumi, where they have a big ol’ meal. Yumi picks up the tab but the bill is over $300 thanks to how much the others are eating and drinking. With Yi-Da and Ruby passed out in Yumi’s hotel room, she receives a call and heads out with Bobby. It’s the perfect moment and time for Bobby to open up and reveal that it’s actually their one-year anniversary. So naturally, he has a ring for her. Yumi’s good mood is squashed by her paranoia and worry though. There’s a new intern at the Jeju brand called Da Eun-Yi. She’s been getting lifts from Bobby recently and Yumi is worried as she’s pretty cute (her words not mine!) When Yumi sees her laughing with Bobby over charcoal soot on her face, she tries to keep it together. When Da Eun-Yi leaves, Bobby answers truthfully, telling Yumi that she’s cute but that Yumi is the one who’s actually adorable. However, he also gives Da-Eun his jacket as she’s cold. This gives Yumi a sense of deja vu, especially when he realizes he did this for her too in the past. In order to determine whether the jacket is a sign of liking someone, Yumi quizzes her boyfriend over when he started liking her.

The Episode Review

Episode 7 of Yumi’s Cells is an interesting two-part examination of different parts of a relationship. The first tackles the idea of a long-distance relationship while also looking at Yumi’s wavering perseverance in the wake of her writing constantly being rejected. It’s a nice way of depicting the idea that if you work hard enough, you’ll eventually get a breakthrough and become lucky. The second half then changes tact and looks at the jealousy and trust, namely that coming from Da Eun-Yi the new intern. There’s obviously nothing going on between her and Bobby but Yumi is getting jealous and clearly worries about the future of her own relationship. Hopefully she lets that go and can trust Bobby, otherwise that could cause problems going forward. Either way, this is another good episode, as Yumi’s Cells Season 2 continues to deliver the goods.